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This City - (E)XtENdeED

Writer's picture: Dr. Jeffrey A Holland/WOTDr. Jeffrey A Holland/WOT

(E)XtENdeED: HOOK iNstruCtioNs: match with synthetic sound, mildly saolid repetitively At 1:04 to 1:20 And Again At  1:36 to 1:51 Hold ONE SECond: Ooh~  Hold ONE SECond: weE~OoH Hold ONE SECond: weE~OoH Ooh~ weE~OoH  Ooh~ weE~OoH  Ooh~ weE~OoH  ____________________ 0:16 to 0:17 (!~): Question!  (!√) Answer! [[7]]: 0:18.5 to 0:21.5 IC thIS C[it]y, EyE aTAnd [2] fiGHt, BAttLE (M)iGHt! 0:23 to 0:24 [4] ]two[ WITCH s[t]ANd.  0:25 to 0:27 BAT[t]LE AM'(d) 0:27 A-BRA HAM, {«★»}: ABrAHAM: 0:29 to 0:30 BAT[t]LE (j)AM'(d). 0:31.5 to 0:33.5 Put [t]rISh [2] SA' tOP. 0:34.5  0:35.5 [N] (s)ARAh POP. 0:36 EyE got A [t]huNder fIC[t], 0:37 BEE-(g)ONE-ROcK. [[7]]: 0:39 to 0:40 EyE (H)it Like Ah [t]RUCK. (~!): 0:41 to 0:42.5 That-Ah, kNocK-you-dOWN, 0:43 FLat GrounD (!√): 0:44 to 0:45 ]two[ isH, dubBle-itch. 0:45 to 0:46 [r]AttLE (g)ROUNd.  0:47 to  0:48.5 [EyE got A [t]huNder fICt, 0:49 OM-]N[ UP. (!~): 0:50 to 0:51.5 ABrAHAM. ICrAEL JuDAH, (!√): 0:52  JACO(p) (s[t]ANd)! {«★»}: 0:53 to 0:55.5 That aH  knock ]two down[,  BE[t]HER zOUNd. 0:57 to 0:58 TrumPETZ, [y]oU BEN KNoCK'd, [[7]]:  0:58.5 SA',[_]uCK,OUT. 0:59 to 1:00 [y]'ALL cAN't hANdLE thIC, .[[2]]: 1:01 to 1:02.5 EyE,BEeZ,WiTCH,WITCH .[[4]]: 1:03 to 1:05 Why don't [T]rish,  get,Witch,fiX'd [[7]].[[2]].[[4[[: 1:06 e[N]d sEttlE th[is]. {«✩»}: Say ExpRezZingLEe: 1:08  [N] (h)ANdLe (w)itch.  1:09 to 1:11 LEft ]two[ Right, Right ]two[ LefT. {«★»}: 1:12 to 1:13.85 NoMoor Secre[T], Babble [is]H! 1:15 to 1:16 babble Stop! yawning, 1:17 to 1:18 you're making mE [sic]. [[7]]: dEEp eXprezZioN: 1:20 BABB-EL [six] ___________________ Instruction: [sic]: a.k.a. [six]: [sic] one; [sic] two and [siC] she __________________ [sic]: 1:21 to 1:22.5 EyE wanT for[T]een KAretZ,  1:23 to 1:24.5 rabb[IT]-isH, steER [IT. [sic] two: 1:25   Oh, make mine,  1:26 is aH,  1:27 to 1:28 KoeNigs Trev[it]A,  1:29 hatHerZ. [siC]: 1:30  No mindZ, 1:31  aH-BugaTT[is']. {«★»}: 1:32 to 1:33 HoTTie Rod Rodd[i]eZ, 1:34 to 1:35 BooMing ]b[Odd(e), [[7]]: 1:35.5 OM, E'O'S' (!√): 1:36.5 to 1:38 That aH  knock  ]two down[  (!~): 1:39.5 JAH [f]ANKH-]N[ tWON. [[7]]: 1:41 to 1:42  BE[t]HER zOUNd. 1:43 to 1:44 [y]oU BEN KNoCK'd, {«★»}  1:45 to  1:47 [SiX] fiX dOW[n]! ICAAs! {«✩»}: ISAAc 1:48 to 1:49 NO SHe AIN']t[,  1:50 BAttLE ZouNdz,  (!√): loOKingArouNd: 1:51.5 to 1:53 [y]'ALL cAN't hANdLE thIC, [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duAL[it]Y: 1:53 to 1:54 EyE,BEeZ,WiTCH,WITCH, 1:54 to 1:55 Bu[T]tZ (2) dAy EyE saWZ (s)WEEt SHezUZ. 1:56 to 1:58 gET-[t]-iN dOWN, [N]-fANKH(e)-tOWN. LAz-vEgA,  1:59 to 2:01.5 E'O'S. S.O.S. {«✩»}: 2:02 to 2:03.5 RepEAt! e[N]d sEttlE th[is]. [[7]]: 2:03.5 to 2:05 (h)ANdLe (w)itch. LEft ]two[ Right,  .[[2]].[[4]]: duAL[it]Y: 2:05 Right ]two[ LefT. [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duAL[it]Y spEAK: 2:06 to 2:06.75 STOP Babble [is]H! 2:07.25 to 2:08 babbleStopYawning,  2:08.5 to 2:09.5 you're making WiE [SiX]! (!~): 2:10 to 2:11 iN (j)On due this,  [[7]]: 2:13 to  2:14.5 BAPt(IS)t'D S[t]YLE,  CLIChE. {«✩»}: 2:15 EbonycLIChe. {«★»}: 2:16 IvorythICk (!~): 2:17  WIC (iT)eeeeee,(f)iX. Sic SIC (6). ________________________ [E]xtENd. NOW. ________________________ [[7]]: rEAwAKINing mOMEnt: 2:18 to 2:19.5 Wait A minuteZ,  2:20 EyE KnoWz This. 2:21 Hann[IT]y TWisT, 2:22 =: MeloDy Bl[it]Z, .[[2]]: 2:23 to 2:24 [g]Et a FeLonY s[IT]Z. 2:24.5 WHiLE! 2:15 to 2:16 Wood-ah-ThaT-beeZah-FIX? (~!): 2:17 ReMiX! 2:17.5 to 2:19.5 LiaR isH, sTAnD witch [IT] 2:21 to  2:23 In whY Won't, T[is]H get witch [IT] fix'D. (!√): 2:24.5 to 2:26 zizTer-church-CRUnCH-w[IT]ch-miX. 2:27 to 2:29 cAN (j)On, dA'EL WiTch this! [[7]]: 2:30 to 2:31.5 Wash me, hANDle witch. (6): 2:32.5 to 2:35 fiNGHErz poiNt'DuP, Sh(e) uP[t]OWN,  .[[2]]: 2:36 to  2:38 ButtZ GyrA[t]E BAttLE Wow, RounD 2:39 to 2:40 zIZ[t]HErZ out[T],[IT],i(N),Ah    )↓( ((!√)): 2:40.5 P.OW. (~!¡~): duAL[it]Y spEAk: 2:41 to  2:43.5 OPpoS[it]E side opPOs[IT]e, (m)AgnEticAlly twICt sET,  [n]-tUR[N]'d (6): Ah,Eh,Ah sET-IC: 2:44 to 2:45.5 Eh,Ah,Eh REaD-IC: (!~): 2:46 to 2:47.5 sET-IC, What IS! (!√): 2:48 to 2:48.55 tHAt IS,  2:55 to 2:56 sET-IC ABoLIShEd. {«★»}: 2:57 to 2:58 SoULZ, EbonycLIChe. {«✩»}: 2:58.5 [sic] (WON), {«★»}: 2:59 to 3:00 SoULZ, IvorythICk {«✩»}: 3:01 to  3:01.75  (2) [sic]: 3:03 to 3:04.5 SoULZ, RED, BidDeadLY,Dip 3:05 to 3:06 wHAt,ABout,]two[? {«★»}: 3:07 to  3;09.5 RegulAtionZ, (3) KAriE BOOM STYXz: 3:10 to 3:12 SoULZ yELLOW, cOMmunIStZ,[f]iX,  («★»}:: 3:13 EyEz thIC. 3:13.5 EyEt tHAt {«✩»}: 3:14 to 315 whIStle,kiLL,me,cAt. [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duAL[it]Y spEAK: 3:16 to 3:18 soCHER BAll nAME [(W)]iLsON At, 3:19 to 3:21 Like RuzZiAH, wHERe noW duE floAt? (!~): 3:22 beTher Hope,  (!√): 3:22.5 [N]-(s)tAND!  3:23 to 3:25 Or OcEA(n) wAterHEr dICHing rAn: [[7]]: 3:26 Man!  3:26.5 to  3:27.5 thIS white wAterZ  .[[2]]: 3:28.5 to 3:29.5 browN wAterZ DoeZ stir .[[4]]: 3:30 to 3:31 [y]ELLOw wAterz carEZ,  3:32 to  3:34.5 QueZtion is, wiLL ]two[ dRunk up(¿) [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duAL[it]Y spEAK: 3:35 to 3:37 LeaD ]N[, tHere black oRdHErZ. (!~): 3:39 Red tide 3:40 to 3:41 WIC-(iT)eeeeee, (6)iX. [[7]]: 3:42 to  3:44 Wait A minuteZ, EyE KnoWz thIS. [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duAL[it]Y spEAK: 3:45 Hann[IT]y TWisT, 3:46 MeloDy Bl[it]Z, 3:47 to 3:48 [g]Et a FeLonY s[IT]Z. (!√) 3:49 to 3:49.5 Wow. 3:50 to 3:51 Wood-ah-ThaT-beeZah-FIX? 3:52 to 3:54 LiaR isH, sTAnDing Witch, 3:55 to 3:57 [N] white Over bLack, (~!): 3:58 to 3:59 [M]anAged by [g]Reyz. {«✩»}: JACo↑(p)↓ 4:00 AziAN [t]wICt. 4:01 BliZzard. (m)iX'D 4:02  sandWicHeZ,  4:03 hANdleZ CLIChE! {«★»}: 4:04 to 4:06 I[n] yeZ! [T]ha[T] aH SquArE [T]able-iSH ((6)): 4:07 to 4:07.5 [s]ET-IC RouNd 4:08 CLIChE! {«✩»}: 4:09 to 4:11 Waking AB(L)E, aNd crawLed Out LABE[L]. 4:12 to 4:13 Cu[t] E(n)d trICKz  (!√): 4:14 to  4:18 DUCK,COvERu  [N] Row,  UndHEr miX cOM, LeF[t] cRozZoVHEr, 4:19 FaLLe[μ] [C]lover.  4:20 to 4:21.6 trICKz, AiN'T [for] kiDZ. 4:23 to 4:24  KAriE (3) BOOM STYXz,  4:26 to 4:27 [N] give Em' SA' B(IC) [[7]]: 4:29 to 431 [y]'ALL cAN't hANdLE thIC, 4:32 to 4:33 EyE,BEeZ,WiTCH,WITCH [[4]]: 4:34 to 4:35.5 Why cAN't Trish, get-Witch-fiX 4:36 to 4:37 e[N]d sEttlE th[is]. (!√): 4:38.5 to 4:41 (h)ANdLe (w)itch. LEft ]two[ Right, Right ]two[ LefT. 4:42 Babble [is]H! 4:43 to 4:46 babble, stop Yawning, you're MAkE mE [sic].. 4:47 to 4:48.5 EyE gOt ]two[-bLow, holloW hitch, [[7]]: 4:49 to  4:50.5 Follow witch, tHAt BEE fOUND, 4:51.5 to 4:53 thIS C[It]y. gEt ON dOW[N] 4:53 to  4:55.5 SH[e]zUZ! iN E' O' S'. 4:57 to 4:59 EyE thINK EyE hAD A h(e)ARt, Ah-reChAMp! 5:00 to 5:01 Check [N] deZk, 5:02 to 5:04 PlEAzE sENd Out An S.O.S. {«✩»}: JACo↑(p)↓ 5:05 to 5:06.5 [[F]Azt! [N] thUS Ri]t]E,  .[[2]]: 5:07.5 to 5:09 Well DoN't EyE'VE gOt A RighT. 5:10 to 5:11.5 H]iT] yoU (g)olD fiNgHEr, HypE .[[4]]: 5:12 to 5:13.5 (S)HeZ stAtioN, DyNA(M)iGHt! {«✩»}: 5:15.5 to 5:17.5 NArRow [2] sEE SA' LiGHt. .[[4]]: 5:18 to 5:20 SH[e]zUZ, iN stretch [t]iGHT, 5:21  [s]KIN [M]iGHt. 5:22 BAttLE RitE (6) {«✩»}: 5:23  tHAt SHe waZ,  5:24 to 5:25 [N] SouL sAid,  5:26 to  [1]s[t] looK,  5:27 seCONd hooK. [[7]]: 5:28 [s]KIN iN stretch,  5:29 [t]iGHT SouL [M]iGHt,  5:31 to 5:32.5 (g)irRL GoldeN. COLOrAdo 5:33 to 5:34.5 EyE LOV(e) youR mOtto. .[[2]]: 5:35.5 5:36.5 IS SH(Er) where the WeZt LiveD! .[[4]]: 5:37.5 to 5:41.5 tRiED ]two[ foLLow SH[e]zUZ (2) ARmY kNiGH[t] youR SouL IS (s)Hining (b)RitE. {«✩»}: 5:43 to 5:44 (y)'ALL JAH, tHAt Ah,BEeZ Ri[t]E. 5:45 to 5:46 stanDing UP (2) fiGHt. 5:47 to 5:48 Flash [2] [t]HE LightZ [[7]]: 5:49 to 5:51 (1) (2), EVERYBODY STEP RITE, 5:52 to 5:53.5 EYE MEAN LEFT, RIGHT. .[[2]]: 5:54.5 to 5:55 RitE Left, 5:56.5 to 5:57.5 Mark time March. 5:58.5  to 6:08.5 (6)tEEN:(8)tEEn "They SHALL take up serpents; and ]if[ ThEy drink ANY deadly thing, [IT] SHALL kNot hurt ThEm; they SHALL lay hands on the sick, and they SHALL recover." (!~): 6:10 to 6:11 (√)'ALL TAKE (c)OVHEr 6:12 to 6:13.5 [t]HAhkz (2) MOCt HiGH MO[t]HER. * *(*!*)*: 6:15 to 6:16.5 HERe WiE (g)O AgAiN FA[t]HER, 6:17 to 6:18 sAME Owe (C)ALLin  {«★»}: ABrAHAM: 6:19 to 6:20 DA' AiR BorN ANgElz, 6:21 to 6:22.5 QuAkING dOW[b] da' aVenUe,  .[[4]]: 6:24 to 6:25 MommA USe [2] sAy, 6:26 to 6:27.5 tAkE youR time, young mAn,  6:29 to 6:31 ButZ EyEm OweD, tRying A frieNd. 6:32 to 6:33.75 thIS C[iT]y, EyE dONE-rAN. 6:35 LAz vEgA. {«✩»}: 6:36 sAy [it] A(g)AiN. __________________________ REFERENCE: matrix is in reduced row echelon form (also called row canonical form) if it satisfies the following conditions: It is in row echelon form. The leading entry in each nonzero row is a 1 (called a leading 1).

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