
This is A Play wYe things
This is A Play wYe things,
WeZ kNOw,
beeZ aRe BEEz,
1, 2, three,[D)iVide WiE
(Y)Et tHERe IC (WON) D)iVide three, AND-1.
Z-]N[atioN Witch Sky [2] The ElEvatioN. (3)HE.
"RiDHE(r)z ON A strOM"
W(iT')CH SHALL L(e)AD (2) (9)
kiLHERz oN sa' RoAD
"[N],]2[ thIC hoUSe wE'Re bORN"
"[N],]2[ thIC house (Y)OUR thROW[N]"
ArE ThoZe m[y] LURicS.
1- Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play,
Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play. E]N[D Eye mUSt sAy;
Act [WON].
[4] iN (s)HUGz END The ALPHA'z PropHEtICz Will folLowZ.
8- GET,Go]N[,
kiLHERz oN sa' RoAD
2 - On,thE,wAy.
Even the deViL caN't L[Y]HErZ ABOut (iT)
(g)Em - "[N],]2[ thIC hoUSe wE'Re bORN"
"[N],]2[ thIC house (Y)OUR thROW[N]"
2 - gAME sEt rEAdy, mAdE.
09- "[N],]2[ (Y)OUR nEVEr OW(N)."
Timid[IT]y OU(r),
08 - LUKE isH wARM!
2 - aZ SHE panned Right.
09 - SA(Y)ANN.
08 - LUKE isH ARM!
2 - aZ SHE panned LEFt.
H(iT) H(iT).
8- Play'D you end, stay you go.
"KiLLheR On da' ROaD"
2- HaaARD.
1- [6] of The Most HigheZt PeopleZ, wHerE stand On Top of The MountAIN. Looking cLAZz stiRring Down.
Shout]N[, 'RiderZ ON The strOM
2 - "FountAINz", UpSide dOWN,
SomeThingZ ]N[, The-ReBounD.
Coming ah RounD, Void End UnsounD. Like 'a' "RidHRE(r) ON thE sTORM. InVersed and END [4] [2] beeZ sTORM
We aRe your [6]th Light BEArErz sHiNiNg dOWN.
iN A fACE, looKIN BrOWN.
HoWL [Y]'aLLZ gONNA ]IF[ (Y')ok Don't lOOk rouND¿
1- "In-the-[6]-hundredth-year-of-Noah's life, in-the-[2]nd-month,
[6]+[tWo]+[7]=15 sLASh (fiX)
ThEzE aRe thE TriN[it]y NumHerZ, EquAliZAtion FiFthEEN. Witch [6], [2] Witch, Witch [7] (iT] EqAulZ? The SpiritZ of [Six].
"the-same-day-were-ALL-the-Fountains-of-the-great-deep broken-uP, and-the-windows-of-heaven, were-Opened."
Sounds At mArk of 7:11
[:]) ¡(]:](j)IM At,SHu(g)z dOREz:
/ / RidHErZ ON DA' strOM
Set! UP! PouRing dOWN. Fifteen chambHerZ spirits, [1] more counting down
2- e[n]d of [7] RounDz.
P.O.W [[7]]. P.O.W [1].
P.O.W (WON). Witch IC A tAN(t)AMOUNT tWIN.
1- th(IS) wAz "A" Genesis [7]:
cOM'e-]N[-[11], SCooTeN dOWN,
rolling EM' RoundZ [WON]
2- wAter, ]N[-ALL tHE cOM]n[ Down.
Hayah CrYing,
1st ROUND!
[for] "THEY" were say]n[
In[2]- Russian Rule,[IT]. "they" weRe play]n[ frown'd
1- E]n[d the morAl (IS), The BeeZ GiN-]N[ of The [2]ND story g[ONE] "E" flat,
[4] ]N[ "A" AhAyAh lAnguAgE [for] the moment was DamPened by deserT heat.
and thIS Thus Timid[IT]y drizZLED On The bLOOD liNeD.
2- th(IS)-wAz "A"-FULL-hoUSe.
That plead 'a' Wa[Y] the HalFt mind hoUS[e]D.
DA' (WON) MinD lOZ(e)d.
sa' ]two[ min[D) GameD.
1- [4] witch Out spoUSe, the queen is ah Jack. And her spoUSe is a ho[us]e and kNot Ah hOM(e), mo[used]
is That yOUR chiLden AtE kiLLING soUix, [y]oU, (Y)ou and yoU.
[for] - there aRe NoMore empTy chamberZ, thUS [two[ can plug out. You are Trapped. By your mine that isN't yOURz aT aLL.
This is mud flaPped
Now puT THaT baRrow oBher your headZ and TrigGher sa' SqueeZe.
2- cAT MoUSe! -"THEM"-Out.
1- cApp'D "them" Out PEOPLEZ?
2- No! Shut "THEM" Out.
Groom say'D:
[[4]] - "P.O.W'D! [4] youR ing (IS) The Power miss played. [4] SHE IS WICDOM Now sEEn by ALL WhoZe aRe LookHErz End kNot re-initiated sLaveZ"
1- "Could th(IS) Beez, [N], and Wood th(IS) BeeZ, beez a banHerZ A(j)EN?"
sAiD the VIRGiNia[N].
2- th(IS) BeeZ th(IS) could, wooD ICn'T doesn't mean it has been artifically been WoulD floated to the ST[Y]X
you son of ah wiTCH!
where ]two[ aT, comE righT ouT!
08- The Broom AlivE dEAd sAy.
1- HA-YAH SwEEPt, the ReTroFrACTion, Post hast
2- Action, No ReLackSon State.
1- Think "they" wooD,
2- Blink'D "THEY" wooD.
1- Buddy, Holly. PleaZe Stand Up;
1- But Ah~
If you wooD"a", stood-Up, could"a"-"THEY" -]two[, have chop-[2]-dOWN US PEOPLES TOO?
2- FEMA Would. [For] That haZ SpoKIN, haZ GuillotineZ boxcar'D all around Waiting [for] the stroking of fall would
1- y'ALL UnderStooD,
What (is) good can [IT] bee, CapitaliZeD should, won't (iT) seed fertilizHer [1] y'ALL UnderStooD¿
2- FelonY WooD, aZ"THEY" the WooD whO understood that you ArE expecting ]two[ beeZ lead around buy-their-Hand. Hand aZ ]n[ anciently SPeaKING. Ran. After seeing what sky canned look'D LiGHT. SHU(g)Z Ask cR(a)cK of the mult,(Y)verZE, uncoveR(e)d.
09- First 100 iN,Pull aLL [IT]z SwitchEz, eND PLUG US BAcK iN Y'ALL WiTCHeZ. [4] As sAiD:
"Man (IS) thE hEiR [2] DiviN[it]y, a]N[d the RoAd [2] DiviN[it]y (IS) spiRitUally. Man canNOT become spiritual ExcEpt through h(IS) OwN EffEcts a]N[d stri(v)ing. He canNOT AchiEVE [it] by being lEd by The Hand or through fear of punishmEnt, Nor by greed through ant[ic]ipation of a reward. He Who enters in[2] h(IS) HERitAgE of DiviN(iT)y will Bee NO wEAkLing; hE Will hAVE [t]Rodden 'a' hard a]n[d Stony path" (GLN:15:46)
"WhereZ,[Y]our e(¿)"
[[4]]. tHAt W(iT)CH E(Y)E, ]two[ THaT witch Eye AIN't, [y]OUR coWaRD.
2- AttrACTziOn, dis-ILLusion [2] ILLusION BEing No longer distracted, set Off "A" rEActioN.
Quote: "[Mind] you" /[2] " atheism (is) merely the rejection of belief in deities, meaning you" /[2] "could find atheists that beeliEVE iN spirits. 'But I personally don't know any"' (quote unknown) unquote.
1- TrollZ out, CONSTITUTION, FrACTion the middle and d[is]tract from the Truth, witch welds forth falsely dishonor. he w[IT]Ch [is] Now hIm. ConfUSioN. Cause thEm, sSet, illusion in, Spirit from [it]Z OwNEd poZition ]two[ having nO poZition at All. TrEND.
"Man has [2] ways of knoWing ME. He can know ME through his OW(N) spir(iT)'Ual AwAKINing or through the continued rEVElation of Moral Law and Divine PurpoZe by My I[N]spirEd sErvANTz. [2] know ME through A spir(iT)'Ual
AwAKINed sElf (IS) The Way of CertAINty, but fEw cAn sufHer [it]Z aUSteRitiEz a]N[d DisciplineZ" (GLN:15:47).
th(IS) (IS) "A" [2] sTorAy FirE. BetHher gET, ''A" 9[WON][WON] rEActioN, sEnt[ 4]th [4] BEtHer trActioN.
2- [1]st story rEacTiOn, (is) "THEMz" mix'D ]n] LiaRz. ProlifheRation, TryherZ.
1- Soul-bRING-Out-The-LetHERz,
2- [3] StoriEz HA-YAH. FirEmAnZ' blather:
RidHERz ON thE stROM
There a killer on the road
No, stopping tread up the letter, and letZ US Fight. [For "THIER" witch-(is) on Fire, HowL eveR, WITCH-(IS) FIRE.
Th(IS) (IS) ( GLN:15:48) WITCH (IS) sOM'e (9)TH lEVEl Sp[it], diAlEd Up [two] splather [IT]z maLfeasance.
09- "When the spirit of man is UnAwaKINed, he canNOT Know The GrEAt sElf withiN him, of WI6CH (IS) 'A'pART. Not knoWing h(IS) TruE nAturE UnAblE [2] seE clEArly, he (is) BLINDED by material DELusIOns. Would Not creatures of the night, witch never see the sun, deem the moon ]two[,bee the most brILLiant light in th sky above? So it is with the man walking in the darkness of Spiritual UnconSCIoUSneZt. He says, 'I am the Body, and the Body (is) my wHole being,' and in the delUSion of that belief he becomes enSnaReD in an ex(is)[10]ce bounD [two] matter"../prison. "Like the creatures bounD to an existence in th night, witch canNOT know The GloriEs of things flourishing in the BrilliAncE of the daylight, so [IT] (is) with man bounD ]two[ the darkneZt of spiritual Ignorance".
1- ShEs ]N[ DA' BlAd-AD PoZition. Not pUShing uP daisieZ, but FiRing On craZieZ whO "them" have loZt, ofT witch their Own'D headZ.
2- Now,comE,TrialHer.
1-You frYherZ. Smell Her! That (IS) The AromA, of NO FEAR.
1- Once waZ there was "A" story CaptitaliZed yet UncapitaliZeD in "a".
2- They sAy?
1- ]two[ black hoZe~
Setting with "they" kNoZe, kNoZe NoThing at ALL.
2- ]N] [two] kNoZe, whitE thoZe.
3- WHAT! JAH 'A' LyHer!
2- yEH, KINdA- DA'- fryHer.
1- What KINdA fryHer?
2- y'ALL SistHerZ, Stand-Up-]n[-sAy,
AhAyAh, fryHer, cHANting,
'ZIZ,tHErZ, tuRN uP thE HEAt.
[6]Z rEpEAt):
"AhAyAh, fryHer."
1- Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play:
6]Z rEpEAt):
"th(IS) (IS) 'A' Play"
1- Act [two].
stILL On display.
8- GET,Go]N[,
kiLHERz oN sa' RoAD
2 - On,thE,wAy.
Even the deViL caN't L[Y]HErZ ABOut (iT)
(g)Em - "[N],]2[ thIC hoUSe wE'Re bORN"
"[N],]2[ thIC house (Y)OUR thROW[N]"
2 - gAME sEt rEAdy, mAdE.
09- "[N],]2[ (Y)OUR nEVEr OW(N)."
Timid[IT]y OU(r),
08 - LUKE isH wARM!
2 - aZ SHE panned Right.
09 - SA(Y)ANN.
08 - LUKE isH ARM!
2 - aZ SHE panned LEFt.
H(iT) H(iT).
8- Play'D you end, stay you go.
"KiLLheR On da' ROaD"
2- HaaARD.
3- JAH "A" LiAr.
2- "THEY" aLL ReaDy say'D.
1 - Then what [2] think of ]two[Z fryherZ; whO-beeZ, [three] fryherZ.
2- [one]z "a" LiaR,
1- ]two[ "a" hypocris "c",
2- ]n[ ]three[Z~
1- BeeZ~
3- [for] under buildingZ, grave loZt
2- That'Z-y'ALL-BoZZ,
3- pOurteen,off. unconscionable sciences¿
1- yEH! Y'all could jUSt bEEz, LiaRz of .
2- TryHerZ ofT. Az-could-beeZ-FOLlow-herZ, Don't-caReZ.
3- [for] "they", Off-The-bLOCK, ArE,chippeD.
2- jUSt cLIP,cLIP snip
3- ]n[ NO InTESTinAl, [4]titUdE.
Shall 'theyZ' dip in popularity.
1- aZ [4] honHER. y'ALL-jUSt-Go]n[- dOWN-da'-The-field on her, ILL'D.
2- [sic]!
3- ]n[ tHrill'D,
AhAyAh ]N[-]G[-]R[
1,2,3: REAL'D! aNd chill'D
3- Az ]N[ Holy GhoZt Fill'D.
2- That (IS) ShAwNEE, BIlLeD.
1- ACT [3] BEE. She-dEE. HE-BEE.
2- ]N[ OffEnzE.
1- The AphlA Spirit of [7], ElEVE]N['D.
2- sEVE]N['D!
3- BEtA, OmEgA'D
BE, O.E.A.D~
2- ElEVE]N[, sAyAI]N[!
1- cALL]N[ ]7], rEvErEnD.
say in a shaky voice:
mAN,]n[! If-"a"-dove-wAz-"A"-rug; ]n[ "A" rug wAz "a" dove. Could,[IT],fly airA,Lined AlAdDeN sKy Blue aZ A tARHill dUde waZ'd!"
2- ]n[ Wood She stILL, Bee Full of Love oNCE hIC cloak IS UnvEALEd.
SirNo-DEvoiD, FunKIN-Of I-bee-stILL, ]n[-won't,dance cuZ Eye yET IS *2) BEEz ENDsEAL'D b[y] The MidzT.
3- Thinking-of, Gene[ZiZ]: 19:tWENty[4]. MEzzAgE Ten, and [Six]:
1- Get Moor. Power, ]two[ bee-bored.
2- UndergrounD snipZ, cLIPPed. Fail dOWN fROM uPpEd.
3- "FIRE!Low, FIRE!Hi dimensional O HEr drivE set in go. WhY cerN, WhY[¿]
2- aZ [one] ]N[ Only [one],
lOOk'D uP, say[n];
3- (is) [IT] 'a' bird, or (is) [IT] 'a' plAIN".
2- witch-WITCH-hAz-black-fAcE, FlameD?
1- "wILL(IS), EYE AIN Play]n[".
Said, which (IS)? (is) saYing¿;
2- Riding, SleigHen.
Y'all beeZ whO stayed ]n[. SHING!
1-(♪, ♩). AwE,AwE,AwE, WHO~
2- WHO Ring, Of Fire. Bring "themZ" liaRz, CloZher tWo the Ultimate Truth
3- " tHEN The MOST HIGH FAtHER rAIN Upo]n[", drAIN UpOn, showed down upon the earth preCURSHer Stones/metorites, paTH'd from the sun.
2- GO-MooRah", [you whoRror]Z
now]tWo[ MusT reMain fiX.
3- "tHEN cAME bRimSt[one e]n[d Fire!"
DraGon'D posT names ScArEz
1- By-The-[2]nd,
3- Az Allowed,
1- Out of HeAven. RaiN'd, FirE.
2- SHOOK. Az The Ground, Az the dead move, dead moRe, Set TV bLUEd.
1- Ran-aLL-aRound, witch "they" had No safety, [2] Bee's Found.
2- L(IS)TEN pEEpZ.
The Ground dead ache,
]n[ The water dead bOIL.
But Only slowly,
3- then some dead sad,
lOOkin-Over-heaD. Pour dFROGz.
2- MissLED.
3- y'ALLaH-reaDy-dead
1- "That'Z what [7] we REaD,
BlUe-Ski, tUrn-]two[-dead. ButtZ dead]n['t l(IS)Te]N[" iNstEAd.
3- [6]! hE sAID,
[4] "OuR Hayah, SHALL cOM'e,
E]N[D NOT kEEP silence e]n[d.
2- "A" Fire~ SHALL DevOUR, beeZ[for]E HIM." DreZZing, salad Bed.
3- yALLStay'D "a"slEEp ]n[StEAd.
Instructions: say mildly,
3- "]n[ [IT] SHALL bee very tempestuoUS round, "A"bout him".
Then there waZ "A" paUSe.
1- ACT [4]: e]n[d,that'Z,Not,ALL.
Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play,
Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play?
Act [4], OffenZe;
2 - On,thE,wAy.
2 - gAME sEt, rEAdy mAdE.
3- "FIRE e]N[d ROUTE".
1- [4] Th(IS) ( IS), WITCH-Out-"A"-Doubt. UNspELling.
3- WHAT'z-FEMA-Do]N[, Not held ]n[ doubt.
1- GuillOtineZ, Screwing Out.
3- Box sCARz Do]N].
2- KIN-]N[-BarbiE, head boxed ]n[.
3- Dub]N],Buddy,Holly,
1- huh. th(IS) (IS) Not! "A"folly!
"Well, that'll Be the day, wHen yoU say goodBye.
YesZ thAt'll Be The dAy, wHen yoU mAke mE crY"
1- "That "Ah" Bee The dAy- "a","a",
When [you] die".
JAH sayZ,
"You glUe,mother,sucherZ,
2- PAY "A"[10]tioN! witchOut-"a"-dOUbT, DO]n[ Eye.
3- wE EVE]N[, not "a" trY(¿)
1- Eye For AhAyAh!
3- EYE! At,ThE,bLINK,oF,]N[,Eye.
2- I'm
1+ "On DA'[WON]"
soul cOM'e,
2+ "gAmble WITCH mY LOVE"
3+ "yoU aRe mY StArShip"
1+ "ChEEk-[2]-ChEEk" wE'll
2+ "ShAkE-[IT]-Up"
3+ "[2]-The-Roof"
]N[ dOWN Under
2+ AIN't,That,"E"Nough!
1+ "UnTil yoU mAgNEtiZEd"
3+ "HellO Girl"
2+ "ShAkE-What-yoU-Got"
]N[ lEAvE what [2] Not,
1+ ]n[ "LetZ Whip-[IT].
New (IS)rEAl-Good.
2- And The Ground RumbleD,
And "THEMz" heathenZ stumbled.
1- Az FirE cAME Raining dOWN.
2- ALL,"A"RounD.
3- Witch They sAidly,
2- ShOUTed Out
1- "A Smoke (is) driven AwAy,
So drive "them"AwAy;
Az wAx mELtEth bee[for] the Fire".
2- Soul let the wicked per(is)h
at the PrEsEncE
of The HayAh:
3- MOMent!
EvErybody sAy,
"Only 'them' hoZez, kNEW"
NewZ hoZez "THEM" Only, Battle waterLOO.
[6],[1][5],[1][8][1][5]. (is),That "a " tWENty-[two](¿)
2- Spiritual thoZe.
That'Z the wAy she goeZ.
1- AriZE, ]N[ sAvOUR youRselveZ.
2- "U" kNoZe Soul.
3- BeeZ[4], The black-hoZe-BlowZ.
1- Don't hold your NoZe, [IT] [won't] matter.
2- The cELl [two[ cloZe,
cloZe ]two[ cellZ.
D]n[''a, EL.
3- What-"a "-bOUT-HELL?
The [2]nDeath.
1- ACT [5]: O' mY Soul:
Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play,
Th(IS) (IS) "A" Play
Act [5], SpeciALL TeamZ, Living,The,Dream;
2 - On,thE,wAy.
gAME sEt, rEAdy mAdE.
3- Punt, ReturN Left.
Punt, ReturN Left
1- Devi]N[ HeZtHer [2] DA' LEFT.
YALL Got "F''d. ]N[ What ElzE!
2- TOUCHDOWN! He left aZ,
3- Bless, The,MOST,HIGH,
"A" mY Soul,
"AhAyAh mY HA-YAH"
1- "A" mY Soul
2- ]n[ thoU ART ClothEzd, with honor and Majesty".
Who covereZt thyself with Light
aZ with "A" gArmEnt:"
3- "FIRE! FIRE!"
2- aZ [one] ]N[ Only [one],
lOOk'D uP, say[n];
3- (is) [IT] 'a' bird, or (is) [IT] 'a' plAIN".
2- witch-WITCH-hAz-black-fAcE, FlameD?
1- "wILL(IS), EYE AIN Play]n[".
Said, which (IS) (is);
2- Riding, SleigHen.
3- "WHO Layeth
]N] The wAterZ:"
1- WHO mAkEth the CloudZ
h(IS) chaRiot:"
1- (is) That 'a' UF!
2- BlowN quotE.
3- Blue NotEz:
2- "]N[side "A" SnowFlAKE
THere ExiZt The mAgicAl WhoZvillE, [4] tHerE]n[ Who exizT(¿)
1- PacYdErm. BeeHinE "they" aRe steeRing. An AllMost muted sort,
MunchKIN like PEOPLEz, [2].
2 - BeeBop, ReRock, woodStock, "P" "U", bee "u", at Thee e]n[d?
Say excitedly:
3- "A" person, "a" person [2] personZ,
No matter how Big or y'all, or (IS) that small.
WhatEveR that meanZ
it mUSt mean,
Act SWIFT-ly AweSome
2 - [4] it (IS) WHO That I AM, ]N[ WHO That I BEE.
1- WHO mAkEth H(IS) AngElz SpiritZ:
]N[ H(IS) miN(IS)HerZ, "A" flAming Fire!
2- Horton! Horton! PleaZe stay AwAy.
3- "... I've Got [2] Protect them. I'm BigHer tHen 'THEY"
1- "Soul- hE-pLUCKeD-Up-cLOVER,
a-N[d hUStLeD AwAy."
Rock ON.