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Destruction of CIVILIZATION, EVEnT one, two, EnD WHAt HapPened [tWo] [threE[?:


"At the time of the great Destruction of Earth, HAYAH calls a Dragon from OuT of Heaven tWo Come in enCompasS Her about.

The Dragon was Frightening tWo beehold; [IT] lashed [IT]z Tail,  [IT]'z breath enD fire a[n]d Hot Coals, in a great catastrophe was inflicted uPOn manKiNd, by the of the Dragon was wreathed in a cold bright light and beeneaTH, on the belly, [IT] was a ruddy huged glow, while beehind it [IT] trail a flowing tiLL of smoke. IT]'z spewed ouT Cinders, and Hot Stone,  and [IT]z breath was Foul and Stenchful and sTenCFull, poisoning the NostrilS of men. [It]'z Nostr]i[L pa]s[Sage [is] caused great Thundering and liGHTning two rend in the th[ic]k darkness skyS, aLL Heaven in earth being made Hot. The sea were LooSed from [it]s cradle E[n]d [it] roSe uP, POURing acRosS TheLanD. There was an awFul Shrilling Trumpeting, witch OutPowered eveN the Howling of the unleashed winds" [CRT:3:2).


The DyNAMo/pole Flip/magnetospheric esCapr Velocity Grind.This is aFTer The TRUE SHOCK END AWE The Solar StormZ SHALL Call:


"Men was stricken with TeRRor, went MAD aT The awFul Sight in The Heavens. 'they' were looSe from 'their' senSes and dash abouT, craZed, noT knowing what 'they' did. The breath was Sucked from 'their' bodies, and they were burnt with a strange Ash" (CRT:3:3).


Destruction of CIVILIZATION, EVEnT ]two[ aLL material positions and cognitive memorY sucked away bY the expanded Time OuT caused by the DeStroYer:




"Then [IT] pasSed, Leaving Earth and wrapped within a dark in glowering mantle which was ruddily l[IT] up inside. The bowels of the earth were torn open in great writhing uPheaval, and a howling whirlwind rent the mountains apart. The Wrath of the sky monster was loosed in the heavens".. 


a.K.a. This is a description of aLL The reaLMz/doors SHALL Open EnD, anD [IT] aRmiEz pour [for]th OuT, enveloping the noW unPrtected surFace. 


Hence, by default mechanism, otherwise known as dissociative amnesia/ repdesSed meMory which is the inABiLiTy of the person[Z] from ascertaining Autobiographical in[for]matiOn.



A.K.A., THE RESET. The CloZeD sET OpenS The doorWayS tWo alloW [IT] enTry, aZ 'they' Lock US OucH! And the Open seT cLOzeF enD haS liTTLe shelter two deFenD.


.."FlaZHED about and Flaming Fury, Roaring like a Thousand Thunders; [IT] poured down Fiery Destruction amid a welTer of Thick black Blood. So awesome was the Fearfully expected thing that the memory mercifully departed from man; his ThoughTs were smothered under a cloud of [for]getfulness" (CRT:3:4).


" The Earth vomited forth great gust of foul breath from awful mouth opening up in the midst of the land. The evil breath bit at the throat before it drove men mad and killed them. Those who did not die in the manner where's smothered under a cloud of red dust and Ashes, or were swallowed up by the yawning mouth of Earth or crushed beneath crashing Rock." (CRT:3:5).


"The first sky-monster was joined by anotherR, witch swallowed the tale of the one going bee[for]e, but the tWo could not beeZ seen at once. The sky monster Reigned in Raised abovE the Earth, doing battle to posSezZ [iT] but the mini bLaded".. /LAD(Y)Z sWordS of HA(Y)AH cut 'thEm' in piecES, THEY're' Falling bodies enlarged the land in the sea.


"It was this manner, the first Earth was DeSTroYed by Calam[IT]y Descending from ouT of the skieS. The Vault of Heaven Were open tWo bring [for]th".. /The [for]TH di-men-sion   "..monsters More Fearsome than aNY THaT Ever hunted the uneasy dReams of men" (CRT:3:7).


"And "THEY" who leaded 'them' were Gone/Safety of pre-prepared shelters:



"Take your Stinking Paws Off Me, [Y]ou DamneD Dirty ape' 


"Men and their Dwelling Places were gone; only sky-boulders/meteors Red Earth remain where once 'they' were, but amidzt ALL The Desolation, a few survived, a man is not easily destroyed. They crapT Out from caves and came dOwn from the mountain sides. The eyes were Wild, and their limbs Trembled; everyBody Shook, and their tongues Lacked control. Their faces were twisted, their skins hung loose on their bones. They were as Maddened"../SaVagez. .."wild beasts driven into an enclosure [[beefore]] Flames, they Knew nO laws, being deprived ALL the Wisdom 'they' once had, and those who had guided 'them".. /The Elites  Were Gone"..  /HiDDEN in 'there's Denizon of immoral[IT]y"



MOCt HiGH PEOPLE, thic ic The CaTch 22 EnD scenariO [2] Witch Eye hAVE HighLighted  now [4] over dive yEARZ curRently standing.

BuT herE the caTc,her. YoU aRen'T supPoZed [tWo] Know unTiL yoU FiLL The [sic] HeaTof the iLL PLanTed soULZ unbeeware unTiLL presented


Isaiah 28:22-27  


22. Now therefore be ye Not mockers, lest your bands bee made Strong: [for] I Have hearD from The MOCt  HA(Y)AH Of hOZtz 'a' Consumption, eVeN determined uPOn The Whole earth.


23. Give ye EAR, and hEAR MY (v)oice; hEarKIN, and hEAR MY speech.


(6)! The following is a referenced compos[iTi]on of tWo kind of seed that are dichotomoUS. For eXample, ]for[ enDZ ]two[



(of branching) in which the axis is divided into two branches the fitch and cummings are both dark seeds that are beaten before bEing extracted from their habitAtionS and subsequently eaten.


24. Doth the plowman plow all day to sow? doth he open and BREAK".. / Break-]n[tWo the clods of his Ground?


25. When he hath made plAIN the fACE thEreof, doth hE Knot Cast abroAD The ]f[itches".. 


witchEZ/polecatZ sinnerZ/


.."and scatter the cummin,"..

LukeD Warmed preTendherZ and jinKed eNd sisSiNezZ aZ da' protoTYped prograMinG  open sets close eternal


.."and cast in The Principal wHeat and the apPoinTed barley and rie in 'their' pLace?


25. [For] hIS HA(Y)AH doth instruct hi[M] [2] discretion, and doth tEACH hi[M].


[¿] mARK ditches or is it More accurately witches tWo witch 'THEM' adhered to As As fitches!


26. [For] The f]IT[ches are Knot threshed with a threshing instrument, neither is a cart wheel turned about upon the cummin; But the [w]itches aRe BEA[ten] OUT with a Staff, and The cummin with a Rod.



"The Earth, only true altar of HAYAH, offer uP A sacra]IF[ice of Life and Sorrow tWo Atone [for] the sins of mankind. Man had Not sinned iNdeed, but in the things he had FAILED tWo do. Man suffered Not only [for] what he does, but [for] what he FAILZ tWo do. He's Knot chastise [for] making m[is]takes, but [for] FAILING tWo Recognize and Rect]if[y 'them"'



Destruction of CIVILIZATION, EVEnT three Blind mice Cloud of DarknesS:


"Then the great canopy of dust and clouds, w[IT]ch Encompass the Earth, and Shrouding iT in Heavy Darkness, was pierced by ruddy light, in the Canopy sWept down in Great cloudburst and Raging Storm Waters. Cool Moon tears"../The Inhabited thereof .."were shed for the distress of Earth in the woes of man" (CRT:3:10).


[Seven] Decades of Souls Lather, Mother Earth Begins the healing process of Renewel:


"When the light of the sun pierce the Earth's shroud, bathing the land in its revitalizing Glory, the Earth again new NIGHT and DAY, [4] there were now times of light and Times of Darkness. The smothering Canopy Road away, in the Vault of Heaven, became visible to man. The foul air was purified, and they are closed the reborth Earth, shielding her from the dark hostile off Void of Heaven" (CRT:3:11).


"The rainstorms, cease to beat upon the face of the land, and the water still there turmoil. Earthquakes no longer tour the Earth open, nor was it burnt and buried by Hot Rock. The land masses were re-established instability insult solidarity, standing firm in the midst of the surrounding Waters. Ocean fell back to their assigned places, in the land stood steady upon its foundations. The sun shine upon land and sea, and life was renewed upon the face of the Earth. Rain fell gently once more, and the clouds at fleece flouted across dayskies"



Humanity Secret held Something in the skies/WAVE LENGTH DAY ENDz NIGHT AND vis versa:


"The Waters were purified, the sediment sank in life increased in abundance. Life was renewed, but it was different. Man survived, but he was not the same. Sun was not as it had been, in a moon have been taken away. Man stood in the midst of renewal and regeneration. He looked up into heaven above and feared for the awful power of Destruction working there. Henceforth, the Placid Skies wood hold a terrifying Secret" (CRT:3:13)


The secret Government  ResurFaceZ yWo FinD Once aGaiN, The PlaNET of da' apeZ scenariO in FULL bLOOM:


The Liar/Precious leadership reemerges from underneath to incite the inversion of what when wrong:


"When man came forth from their hiding places in refuges, the World their fathers had known was Gone forever. The face of the land was changed, and the Earth was littered with rocks and stones, just falling when the structure of Heaven collapsed. One generation groped in the Desolation and Gloom, the thick Darkness was dispelled, it's children believed they were witnessing a new creation. Time pass, memory dimmed in the record of events was no longer clear. Generation followed generation, and as the ages unfolded, new tongues and new Tales replace"../inversion .."the old/the new kindom of fear was introduced"


Description of Secret BAbylon:


"There were some who struggled harder, we're more discipline; because our forefathers had crossed the Great Dark Void/Space; their desires were turned God work, and they were called the children of AHAYAH.


"Then came the day when ALL things became still and apprehensive, for God calls assigned to appear in heaven, so that man should know the Earth would be afflicted, in the sign was a strange star"

(CRT:3:15). = (_)?


Destruction of CIVILIZATION, EVEnT one had been forgotten by the design of "THEM":


"The star grew in waxed to a great brightness and was awesome to behold. It put forth horns in unlike any other ever seen. So man, seeing [IT], said amongst themselves, Shirley, this is God appearing in Heaven above us. The star was NOT AHAYAH, NO [IT] wAz Directly by HIC deZig[n], but the people had KnoT thE WICdom and understanding" (CRT:4:6).


(2) SHALL ApPE(a)R. VoidZ EnD DesTrucTiOnz


"Then, HAYAH manifested HIMs(e)LF iN the he(a)vens, HIC (v)oice was Az The Role of Thunders and HE Az clothed with smoke and fire. He carried LIGHTENINGiN HIC hand, and HIC breath, fAlling uPOn the Earth, brought [for]th Brimstone and ember's. HIC EYEz wAz back a black roBE EnD HIS mouth ab abysS containing the Winds of Destruction. Encircled the Whole of the heavens and the Earth bearing upon his back a black roBE Adorned with

stARs" CRT:4:7).


Scientific Projection is/are that  this Void/ Blackhole Circumference the galaxy returning to Earth Every 22 thousand years or so:


"Such was the likeness in manifestation of God in those days. Awesome was HIC countenance; trouble HIC voice of Wrath; the sun and moon hide themselves [EnD] Fear and there was a heavy Darkness over the face of the Earth"



" God passed through the spaces of the heavens above with a mighty Roar in a loud trumpeting. Then came the Grim dead silence and black red lit highlight of Doom. Great fires and smoke rose up from the ground and men gasp for air. The land was rent asunder and swept clean by a mighty Deluge of water. A hole opened up in the middle of the land; the water entered, and it sank beneath the seas"





" the mountains of the East and West were split apart and stood up in the midst of the waters, which raised about. The Northland tilted and turned over on its side" (CRT:4:10).


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