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Theory Of the Black WHO(¿)



RANgHEr sChooL IC tHE MOVt HiGH'z CadET PreP [[4]] En[t]Ry iN[2], (DA'√A3Lky Ri[t]e NoNprOBABiLIC[t]IC fAiLuREz.

[[4]] ThEy aRE hIC iMpozZiBLe LozHErZ. QuAN[t]UM (c)hoICEz oFt' SHEKINA, SA'(ONE), WHoz ALL wAYz Ah~ WiNHER.


(+=(): EVE,[N],]2[1:


Theory from the Black HoLe


WHO [y]'ALL don'[T] kNOw.







(9) Waves of Creation.


WI[t]Ch [y]'ALL Don't BEE(h)OLD. 


[f]ELlOw [13]


(¡-/): pROfezHer CarL:


".. the first wave of the Mayan calendar sys[T]em, but the Lowest Frequency, startz at the time of the emERgence


of the TREE Of LIFE


The Big Bang, 


with some 16.4 billion years agO, and has si[n]CE completed [13] hablatuns, Each Lasting 1.26 billion years. This wave is a sinE [F]unction that alternates between [P]eAkz and VallEyZ 

[also] called DAYS and NIGHTS, and a full wave last for 2 x 1.26 billions years, 

         = (9) 

         = 2.52 billion years, and if 

         = (11)

Or~ (9)+[2] poiNt 52 plUS [11]             = (11)

this way is propagated with the speed of light this would mean a wavelength of 2.5 billion light

                            = [7]

 years. The wavelength of the first wave is thUS in the range of the size of the COSMIC AXIC around the time of the CMBR, estimated by Dr. Longo [to] about 0.5 billion light-years.

There is thUS a reasonable concordance between the wavelength of the first wave in the diameter of the COSMIC AXIC, which indicates that the latter make iNDEED have been the AntE[N]nA from WI[t]CH this wave has been broadcast"

(Nine Waves of Creation, p.39).



✩+✩: WIC:


Oh Oh.


[y]'ALL DoN't L[it], tHAt WITCH 

(d)ONE (WON).

       )([ â—Ž ])(

{| <★>¡!¡<★>|}:




"Before creation, EYE was the ONE  A[l]ONE. EYE thought, iN the [t]houghtz BEE cAME A 

Co-mMANd of POWER, a[N]d 

in[2] the void of the i[_]vICible cAMe tHAt, WiT(c)H/[EVE] wAz the po[t]ential of zubZ[t]anCE, though [it]zElf tHeN pARt of the invICible. Light was born of the POWHEr, and MY SPIR(IT) wAz iN [t]he Midzt of the Light, [B]UTT [it] was [n]oT that (L)ight WItCH/[YAzhAyA] Ligh[t]EN [t]he DAY. A firmaMent BETween the foundation of ALL things, Matter gradually forming There, BeecOming EVEr dens[H]er↓.." 


/[WOMENz dOW[n]FALl] 


" [IT] thrUSt Outward from the invisible...


[ThEe e[X]pandING ING-DOMe, Universe]


       )([ â—Ž ])(

{| <★>¡!¡<★>|}:


".. it moved from A subtle state tWo someThing [more] solid/sordid, from i[n]tangibility tWo substance, from incoherent substance into a state of denc[IT]y [sic] and 



(¡-): profezZ tWo (h)er:


rEMEMbEr, the (w)AVE hAz mAny forMz, aNd the MOCt visited form is pairs of tWo'z.

tWiNz, pAiRZ oF [2]z. Whether Black White, Fraternal or Maternal in OrientatioN, High, Low, pos[it]ive and nega]ti[vE 


ea, ea, E!


       )([ â—Ž ])(

{| <★>¡!¡<★>|}:


"EYE cO-mMANded the subtlE substAncE, with Ligh[t] {B}ut! withOut for[m], tWo mate with the subtle substance of darknezZ a[N]d BeecOme denZe. [It]↓ dead soUL a[n]d BeecAMe wAter. Then EYE spread wAter Over the darknezZ Below the Light, pLacing A [f]oundation of Light ABove the wAter. This brought forth the Light of mortal v[is]ion, witch [is] Not the Light of the Spirit, Nor the Light of POWER. At that time, the Universe was made,.."



✩+✩: WIC:



       )([ â—Ž ])(

{| <★>¡!¡<★>|}:


"..and [t]Hen Earth recEiVEd HEr form. E[X]cept warmly iN the midZt of the wAter(z1), 

WiT(c)H were not the Water(Z2) of Earth,..'


][ ][: tWiNz:


WhaT! WA[it]!

EVEz A(n) AliEN, (s)tRANger,


ArMy RAN(g)HEr?

       )([ â—Ž ])(

{| <★>¡!¡<★>|}:


.."and this was BEE[4]e The beginning of Life and Earthly cubctance, EYE AM the HiyaH of (c)Reation" (GLN:15:41).


(+=(): EVE,[N],]2[1:


ENd ]two[ ArE On triaL,


       )([ â—Ž ])(

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cOM'e tRUE [2] faCE sen[_]encing. LIC[10]...

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