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Sango & SPZRKT - JMK (HaanSolo Remix) - SoundCloud

Adri(a)N Da'Hood-Fr(iT)z. 


The [s]AiNtZ aRe D(Y)iNg:


E(Y)E hEARd yoUR BlooD screAM Out cr(Y)ing, [2] thE MOCt HiGH; aNd ANd[r]EW YoUR sentiment conclUSiON Witch folowED.  "[Ten]"




Drop The ZerO, and yoU SHALL FiNd The one wHO waZ FolloWing OrDerZ ]tWo[ Kill Her [4] WHAt She kNew.


3Nd ANd[r]EW waZ [2] eXpOZ(e) ]tWo[ SA' reZt of the WorLD.








E(Y)E BA(g)G oft theE.




EyE AM spEAKing [2] [for]. [Y]ouArE 

eNTeRRing The rEVElatiOnZ (9) EVenT. OfT Lo[us]T. 


[S]iLL [FiVe] street.


IS'n'T THAt RiTe saTaN! [For] [y]ou ArE da' RE a Dawning eiGHT baLL. a.K.a. enTirety oF bODdy blacK, Cap OfT Face enTiret[Y] whiTe. Spinning TraceD On ReTuRn tWo EarTh. aT da' JoinT of [three] bLinD micE, pL[us]T'D FiVe, aTe. [a]LL ouR liVeZ.


ToLBriN BiBle: DescripTiOn rAtE!


sTanD TherE, dO beeZ LaZT.


oN the FloodgaTes of ThE NoAH FLooDEed. DeSTrucTiOn [6]. "THEY" 3nD "their" miniOnZ ArE KiLling OfF AwAKIN(N) [1]Z. ESpecially 

At AgE (9) oR unDHer.


The ]r]iTe Know th[is]


E(Y)E AiN't Faking. And E(Y)E ain'T rUNKHong FrOM SA' tRUTH.


Fear! E(Y)E TAlKing ]two[ [Y]ou.


ShOW YOH Face. 


THAt h[is]TOry, 

TOW'd LiEz.


And face your fAll. IC THAt m(Y) WiLL (Y)oU tHAt IS wE, or is that mE that is yoU BeeZ, [WON].


sT(e)P  r iT(e) uP, EVEr(Y)ONE.

Bee[4] hisssSST.


"Then, with the d[a]wning, m[a]n s[a]w [a]n [a]wesoMe [a]n sight. There, riDing on [a] gre[a]T RoLLING Cloud".. 


Circle/Ring/blacK Hole  


.."Came The DeSTroyher, NewLy Released from the Confines of the SKy VauLTs, and she Raged aBouT The HeaveNs".. 


/mEAning EverY LiVing souL in [IT]z PaTH Succumbed/  


.."[for] [it] wAz Her Da[Y] of JudgeMenT. The beast with/wITch her Opened Mouth".. 


/Circle/Ring/blacK Hole/  


.."and belched forth FiRE, HoT Stones and a Vile Smoke. [IT] covered the Whole sky aboVe and MeETing pLaceS of Earth and Heaven couLd nO LoNger Bee seEn. In the EVEning, the pLACEz in the SKy haD ChangeD, theY Rolled AcrosS [2] new sTatiOn;"..


.."Then The FLood Came"

(GLN:4:24) =


The floodgates of Heaven were open the foundation's of the earth were broken apart. The surrounding water poured over the land and broke upon"..  


/Flowed aBove  


.."the mountains. The store houses of Wind burst their bolts asunder, so storms in Whirlwind were loose to hurl themselves upon the Earth. In the seething Waters and Howling Gales ALL BUILDINGz were DeSTroyeD, trees were uprooted and mountains Cast Down"..


Ocean dEEp UnDerGrounD, NorTH WenT weZt, EaZt wENt SoutH. 


.."There was a Time of greaT heaT; then Came Times of bitt-her Cold. The WAVE Over the w(a)ter did Not riZ(e) and fall but seeTHed and Swirled; there was an awful sound above (HLN:4:25).


"The pillars".. 


/The Holy ProtectiON ceaSed


.."of Heaven were brokiN and Fell down to earth"..


/Multidiminensional portals Open in]tWo[ oURZ. sky rocKz, sky soMeThinGz fOllo'wZ. 


This is a UniVersal EVe[n]T


.."The SkyVauLT with r'Rent a[n]d Broken; the WHOLE of Creation waS in chaOZ. The (z)tARZ iN th(E) hEaVENz were loOZing from their pLaces, so they dashed about and conf[us]ion".. 


Th(E) SiN(g)ULAritE EVE(n)T, Th(E) (9)Th (w)AVE. 3Nd hE SHALL (g)O frOM kNiGHT (2) DorUS DA(Y). ALPHA OmEgA.


(iT)ERAtE tHouGhT.


"The (z)tARZ iN th(E) hEaVENz were loOZing from their pL(ACE)s, so they dashed about and conf[us]ion"


During the rEVELAtiON 12 EVE[n]'T


Revelation 12:1-2  = (6)


1. 3nd tHE(r)e ApPe(a)REd A (g)reat wONdHER iN hEaVE]n[; A womAn clothed W(iT)CH th(e) (s)UNKH, and the (m]OO[n) UndHer HE(r) fEEt, 3nd uPON HER hEAd A (c)ROWn of twElVe (z)tARZ:




12 dISCI'pl(e)z


E(Y)E [Y]oU, ]tWo[ LIC(10) [2] mE.


Prior to the 09.23.2017 EVE EvENt.  GEt thIS. sEVEn of the twElVE (z)tARZ wHERe ALL,rEADy PreApPoiNtED. (y)ET [4] thE EvENt [2] BEecOM(e) AcTi(v)AtEd pRopHeZ(Y), (5) consTELLAtiON hAD (2) dO t(HE) iMpozZiBiLE. Meaning ThEy hAD (2) LE(a)VE courZE 3Nd C(Y)CLe RiNg thE (w)hitE do(e) ONCe FouND Black. W(IT)cH ThEY dEAD.


LA(Y) (c)ROWn uPON HER(z) hEAD.


2. 3[n]d SH(E) BEeiN(g W(iT)CH c)hiLD c]r]iED, trA(v)AiLiNg iN bi(r)th, and pAINed [2]BE(e)z dEliVE(red).



"tEll EM ]two[ pRA(Y) (4) W(i)E".


3nD Eye dEAD. 


END WHAt Followed,


.."There was a r(EV)olt ON HiGH; 'a' nEw ruL[h]er aPpeared theRe a[n]d swept".. 


/broOMz sWeep bacKWaRDZ, witcHeZ


"..acrosS the sk[Y] in Majesty (HLN:4:26).


RepLace appeared with Fear. KingDomE oFt Fear/ziggGuRaTZ Crown, communism  and naZ[is]m

nigguratz, nazziggURaTZ and NoThinG NUTTz PoLeCaTZ.




"THOse wHO haD NoT LABouRed At the builDing of thE (g)reat sHip and tHoSE wHO HaVe Mocked thE BuildHerZ Came quICkly [2] thE pLACE wHEre (iT) waZ L(a)Ying. 'THEY' Climbed Up On thE sHip a[n]d BeaT Up On (iT) with 'THEIR' hands"

./miniOnZ; 'THEY' raged abouT, but could noT enTer iNsid(e), Nor could 'THEY' brEAk The (w)ood. As thE (g)reat sHip wAS bORN uP B(Y) the Water Road and they were swepT off, [for] there was no foothold [for] 'them'. The sHip was L]if[ted by the Mighty surge) of wAter in hurled amongst the debr[is], but (iT) was Not Dash in]2[ the mountain side BEEc(a)USe Of th(e) plACE wHERE  (iT) waS BuiLt".. 


E(Y)E (a.M.) SoULz 3Nd E(Y)E (A.M.) 

(v)iBRAtiONAL, ANKHiNg Hi!


"..[a]LL the PEOPLE Not sAVEd W(iT)cHiN th(e) s(H)ip WAs SwaLlo'wed Up"..


/CaTCh 22


.."in the M[is]T Of Rage a[n]d ConF[us]iOn, and 'their' [wic]kKednesS in CoRruption"..


]two[  boOKz


.."was Purged AwA(Y)y from t

The Face of the Earth"





Circle/Ring/blacK Hole: Obvious mEANing aZ diSplAyed. HoWL EVER,


CirCLE (Y)'ALLZ wA(g)ONz aZ [WON] RiNgz AnotHER, AN,SHErz.


Hold back, [2] Big, mUSt gO.


(4) suR(e).



ArE yoU sTandING in The Bad deeDZ[¿]


oR aTe (Y)oU stANDing in th(e) Good DEEDS?





Listen to Sango & SPZRKT - JMK (HaanSolo Remix) by Haan808 #np on #SoundCloud

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