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SouLz spEak: (2)


SoULec[t]ioN, aZ thE iNtErDEvElopEd A QUAK(e)Z The Und3rdeVeLopeD threE [two] (1). EyE DEA[t]ION 2 soul, One spirit and ]two[ mind[Z]. 

of the DiVinE sElf sEArchEd [4] And [2] Bee AwAKINed.


"EyE AM  the EterNaL bRIDE of meN, EVEr AwA[iT]ing the AwAKINing kISS, the whIC(H)Er

of recogn[iT]ion. O Being of fleZh, deny m(e) kNot; let m(e) Not dwell in [for]gotten solitude, left alone, unwanted and unheeded. Hold m(e) to you as a Lover holds the beloved; reach out beyond earthly things and kISS the Lips that are yours eternally. Look out beyond the sphere of earthly opposites, out beyond the pettiness of gains and possessions. Grasp and possess m(e), your OwN EVErLAzting and rezpONZive soul" (GLN:17:4).

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