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Bury A F riend

(¡√): (GLN;{6}:30):

"NinturA was the last of the Line of Sisuda"/ZIZtHErz JuHUDAh. A Ten thoUSanD (g)ENErAtiON hAD PazZEd siNCE THE BEE(g)iNNing and A thousand generations siNCE the OVERWHELMING DELUGE aND TEN Generations siNCE THE DESTEO(Y)HerZ LazT appEARed"..




.."(o)NCE man LiveD [4] LESS thAn ]two[ sCore yEARZ,"..



.."Now his yearS wHerE three sCore aND [10]"..




AhAyAh sENt iN DA' BEN,








azZ mEAnZ, StruCK.





(w)AIT Ah, miNUT.


dead,E(Y)E, aTaP ON a TuRD!




The Drop OfT iNtelligeNCE.


.."once , AhAyAh hAd wAlked with mEn, and meMEn knEw ONLY Ha(Y)aH. Now He was hidden behind veiLz".. ZLAzh [NameZ] .."and fEw ZAw hiM"..



AtANdING, [D)OWn (s)HUGz IC(Y) strEET-LANe.


SAiNtZ, LouIC.


 A(j)EN A(g)iN!







Commander [2] mUCH, 






(~!~): dimensions collide :

.."And tHeN But dimly and WITH GREAT [D)istORTIOn"..


(w)HERe (o)NCE tHEre WAz (WON) HA(Y)AH, now godZ were as numBheRed"..



ZLaZH, w/o[two[mAn.




.."aZ the StARZ. (Y)ET The Great Ke(Y) remAIN(e)D iN The MiDz[T] oFt mEn, and it here at the temPLE of the [7] iLLumiNa(t)ED (WON)z, The K(e)y of LiFEt, ThE kE(Y) WITCH WAz GiVeN  i[N],]2[! THE KEEPHer oFt OUR FAtHER, HUEM(a)NEtAR"..IC IC zLAZH/TermiNater, 






W(iT)CH OfT, unhANKH'D, charactHer(IC)t([IS]), 



I)N(vERted [2] LOVE.




tHAt W(IT)cH IC E(Y)E.


Bur(Y) Ah FriENd, 




CrEw, Sum HEr.



.."(iT) IC A seCrEt tHiNg, sOMetHINg (e)XEEDinGLEE,



[[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: DuALiT(Y):


.."(iT) haZ cOM(e) [d)OWN (2) US and IS KnOWN iN OUR timE" (GLN:6:30).

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