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[4], How cAn A mAn BEE rEBorn?


John 3:11-21  = (8)z EARly wArNing zYZ[t]EM


11. (v)ERiLY, (v)ERiLY, EYE say un[2] theE, WE spEAk thAt wE dO know, a]N[d teZt[IF[y thAt wE Ave seEN; and ye recEiVE Not ouR w[it]NezZ.




R(e)latioN twElVE. PlAy cALL, (WON) (9) REad. Now take [two] tHAt DoN'[t] believe, and add the UnCaPITaLiZeD 'e' az before the beeZ. George of the jungle watch out [for] 'themZ' trees"/beeZ.


12. If I have tOLD yoU eARthly thingZ, a[n]d ye beeliEVE k[N]Ot, how SHALL ye beeliEVE, ]IF[ EyE [t]ell yoU of hE(a)VE(n)ly thingz?


The God PoTion:


"Part of Thic wAz giVen to [Ma]EVA, and the ~resT~ was dUNK by the YosLingz.."/


are the people whO were, but wereN't, yEt aRe [N], a.k.a. reference aNd Adam could spEak to the AniMalez [sic]. And the wize (2) Bee cAll'D Sh(e)ep

heaRing thIC sAiD,


"sAy My nAME, sAy My nAME"


Then InterSecTed the SHink in the RoAD. The UnwizeD sheTurd heaRing thIC responsed unkhKINd


"Name my Say, Name my Say,"


S[e]m[e]L[e] Said contr[IT]ely.


"..was dUNK by the Yoslingz, from the awful ank[IT]al during 'their' night if rites. When the morning came, 'they' were aLL sm[IT]Ten with grievous pains, and before the sun set that day, aLL the YosLings were stricken with 'a' sicknezZ, such az  they had noT known before" 



"[ma]EVA/EVE took whAt had been given HE(r) and, finDing [Da]DAM, lAid Low I[n] hIC BEd gavE hiM 'a' draughT from HE(r) vezZEL, though SH(e) had ]two[ [U]we womanly wilEz   ]two[ they hiM  ]two[ dRink [IT]  SH(e)dRank The remAindhEr, and they BoTH slepT. But when they 'a'woke In The MorNing/lamentation, boTH were suffering Painz, and th[is] was something they had Knot known BEe[4]E"..


The Fall from perfectioN of the Spirit, ]two[ the imperfection of the fleZh.


.."[Da]DAM said to the woman, ' WHAT HAVE You Done, [for] WHAT HAS HAPPENED (2) US CANNOTBEE UNLEzZ The Thing witch ArE [for] biDDen have been Done.' The women replied, 'LorD. EyE Was TempTed, a[N]d EyE fELL. EyE hAvE Done That witch ic [for] biDDen and un[4]givABLE"



"[Da]DAM said, 'I AM Bound by duty (2) do cwrtAIN thingz, but first lET US gO iN[2] thE gICAr [2] the pLACE cALLed BEthKELcrIC,wHERe EyE Will sEEk eNLightENmEnt.' So they went there and stood Bee]4] the shrine beneath the Tree Of WICDOM. There, they set filled with and iNflowing vICioN, sEEing themselves as they were and as they should have been, and they were ashamed. He, because He had not followed the proper path of A mAn and she, because of her falsity. Thwre, in the reflecting mist, the contamination of the skin was revealed, and the man's shriveLLed within him like a flower licked by flame"



13. A[n]d nO man hath AzCend(e)d uP [2] hEaven, but hE thAt cAME dOWN froM hEaVEn, EVE(n) the Son of man WITCH IC iN hEaVEn.


14. And Az [m]USA Lifted uP the serPEnt i[n] the wild[h]ernezZ, EVE(n) soUL mUS[t] the Son of man BeeZ Lifted uP:


[p]aNdoRah! reLeAzE '(H)'opE fRom the Bo(X) SH(e) gOZ, iN[2] the World HE AlrEAdy knowZ (2) SHALL ANnouNCE.


15. That whosoever be(e)liEVEth iN hiM should 

Not per[is]h, but hAVE E[t]erNAl LiFE.


(6) EVE [N] ElEVEN


16. [4] AhAyAh Soul LoVEd The World, that HE gAvE hIC ONly BEE go[t]10n Son, tHAt (w)hoSouLEVEr BE EliEVEth iN hiM should Not per[is]h, but hAVE EVErlaZting LiFE.


17. [4] Hayah sENt Knot hIC Son iN[2] The World [2] cOndemn The World; but tHAt The World through hiM Migh[t] BeE sAVEd.


18. He that BeeliEVEth ON hiM IS Not conDemned: but he that BeeliEVEth Not [is] conDemned already, because he hath kNot beliEVEd iN the nANE of the ONly BEEgo[t][t]eN Son of HaYaH.


19. And thIS IS the conDem[n]ation, tHAt Light IC cOMe iN[2] The World, and men loved DarknezZ ratHEr thAN Light, because 'their' deedz were evil.


20. [For] every [one] That doeTh eviL haTeTh [t]he Light, neither cometh ]two[ [t]he LiGHt, leZt his deedZ should bee R[e]pr[o]v[e]d.


21. But h[E] tHAt doeth [t]RUTH cOMeth [2] [t]he Light, tHAt hIS deedZ mAy BEE made mAn[if]eZt, tHAt they aRe wrought iN HA! YAH!




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