
Everybody Loves The Sunshine (Roy Ayers Cover) by HATCH on #SoundCloud
Whose Will, willZ We Go After, when after is Bee[4] [3], [4] Ever After [2] rash? Corinthians RatHer find Her [N] the Avenues past [2] future EverLast.
THE Minor [7]
This is Future Past The Talked [1] that surVibed [2] First, past. No moOR dick-[n]-jAIN, get hEAD [N] gAME, as [2] Spot the reign is fallen from the Truth, and the second gAME, [two] beeZ rainZ. [2] Ever, man [N] spirit mUSt form "A" band , [1] of US mUSt make an "A" shape [2] stand [N] the mAIN octAVE. As [4] EyeZ, SheAVEs that shape is the Tonal Note as a "successive multiplication by [2]" this is dONE with effort [N]-Line "[two] reduce the (8) increasingly higher harmonics [N][2] the mAIN octAVE" (witch is Lukewarm) "betweEn 1/2 and" Won, standZ("fOUR'' p. 18) BreEdZ.
Ah-ManD, [N].
There[4] I take pleaSure [N] infirmities, [N] reproAches, [N] necessities, [N] persecutions, [N] distresses [4] Christ's sake: [4] when I am weak, then am I STRONG.
OM)))ON((( BABeeZ!
SecONd CorinthianZ, 12:10
BOOM! Yawl.
BetHer Get On, that Witch is [2] keEpZ Liberty patrol. Library steEp southbound on Buffalos walk or Drive. stEEP
VEGAS read Um, [2] bLASt.
[N] Funk Em' [2] 1[st] paat. Ever fast. IncreaSingly.
JAH, BuTt CouLD )iT) BeeZ fiRzT!
thought frOM WICDOM(e) pAZt
What Will, willZ We Go After when the future does [N] Past the persU{a}sion”../(Y)oU Az AsiAN TalkZ, not as raSh?
SpEakerZ [2] The Field of HarmonICs. [Is)iT) “they”, when [IT] is [1 WhoSe willZ [2] know, won't know(¿) Or is (iT) (2) know, but not [2] do aS [1s] fate lasT [2] go firSt.
But first [two] loose soulZ c-OmeZ at the bodies normal temperature?
The Witch is 98.5 [N] century toKINz.
17. 23. (5)
SPIRITz Strawberries at Twenty-threE DivideD BuyZ None. [5s]/(v)IBEz.
BuTt aZthe fOLD UNKH gAtherRZ (5z) gAtHER HiGH
[IS] nin LIC[TeN]ing [2] mEH!
PeopleZ oFt ThE WorLD, bEiNgZ InTraPpPed.
Bee cuZ "the harmonics do not always exactly correspond [2] the Eyedeal ratiOs the little arrow neXt [2] s-Ome of the octAVE tics indicate such discrepancies:
the Up Arrow mEAnS the tONE [IS] sharp of E(X)ACt tuNing; [The] Down arrow means the Tone [is] FlaT" [2] say, nO. Or is multipLICation TimeZ [two] [four], as iLL [IT] [is] [two] know;
As [two] hurry up and capsuleZ swallow [Too] Lukewarm in[two] Last bow?
Jim Jone wood Know.
CountdOWN lAun[c]hed.
10. 8tEEn NinEteEn seVenTY Jim J[one] waZ siRrouNdeed b[y] ManY, buTT he waS aZ [y]’aLL ArE ]tWo[,
sa’WrOng oneZ.
(e)ZEKiEL (13)
[iT] [is] ill, [two] goeZ pantry without a case.
As [1] [n] sets [out] [twoZ] eyeZ, k(iT)cHen spACE and timeZ EraEd. And will [it] tHen beeZ [two] lATE [4][2] divVided through “their” OWNed mindZ separaTiOn [7] [8] SHALL OM BEe(4) da’ state Of threE bLinD micE!
Wait! Wa(iT)! (3)?
This is the 6/11 spACEd (a)(.5455) as c(Y)mbal-EyeZed protoT[Y]p[ic]al [two] (a) 3Nd 1/11 Timed (b) (0909) Witch cOMbineS C(4)circleZ and poiNtS Jup(iT)Her bAck [2] Earth CONnE(c)tiON. rEBiRtH
EVEr(Y)tHiNg IC )3).
SON (2) MO))ON(( 2)) (e)ARtH reviwe._sEcONd spA’EL cHECK soULUtiON.
ZH(e)zUZ. (2) HA-(Y)AH!
Re(v)iew drawing 2.1 Witch eXhibiTs [2] crOSs draWing of the P)Y)thagorean [6] Witch ratio (.5925) or Century [Twenty-One] {Provisio} quite close [2] the jUSt siXth of 3/5 plUS or Times (8) [N] or number FIFteEn: OM8ing BAcK (2) )6) no MATtER WHAT.
m(Y) goD hELf [y]’aLL
"equivalent [2] the product of three and fiVe; [1] more than fourteEn, or five more than [Ten]; 15.
fifteen years old.
"she must BEe fiftEEN b(Y) now"
'(A)LL fiftEEN spe(c)ies of cr(A)neS m(A)te [4] lif(e)'"
Definition of proviso. mEANz OUR Pro(g)resSiv(e) goAL mUSt Bee ON And hunted towARd oUR UL(Ti)MAt(e) pAyH W(iT)CH LeADZ US [2] thE OtHERsiD(e).
1 : an article or claUSe (as in A contract) that introduces A condition.
2 : A conditional stipulation.
This Most High [2] Most Dry, is the point [N] stickZ that bringZ wAter [Two] [3] EyeZ, NeUS is the "connection or series of connections linking [2] or more things".
= [7]
3ND At DA tOP OFt m(Y) tOtEM!
IC Ah crANE. Ichabod IS Now’[D), wHOL(IS)t(IC)ALL(Y)
As an instrument [2] state, "I've been [1] of [2] slateZ [N]-real(IT)y as real(iT)Y c-OmeZ numerically, alphabetically EyeZ SpellZ [N] sumZ ALL accountability that ]IF[ [two] wood "C" equAlz,
[3] chillZ down the spineS of Fate,
"they" who is/are of HaTe timeZ [4] waIT and debaTe whaT [is] already [is], AfTer The [threez] FateZ.
1. [7] nexUS [8]
2. [9] nexUS [Twenty-seVen]
3. [21] nexUS is the actiVation of She-BeeeZ of [6] equaliZation, ratiO (.60) soulZ drop the zerO Flat where he/she's @, [N] goe Hero,.
HE(a)VEN haZ ThE MOCt Unique paARtYy planned ABout yOUR rE-ENtREE. BEE(Y)ONd EVEn th(e) cOZmIC imA(g)iN(a)ti(ONz
27—sixth (a"")
16/27 (.5925)
Sacred Geometry, (p 19)
rEMEMbER iNVerziOn?
Now E(Y)E rEt(Y)pe (iT) aZ iNtENdeed,
in the CaPiTaLiZED STaTe.
Know thIC. tON(a)L cONte(X)t [4] "A" fulHEr Overstanding. [N] c-OMeth, the NEutral sEVEnth. (4) Witch (is) theOLOgy of Time baSiS, and not of Science witch (IS) spa(c)e bas(IS) BotH aRe (WON) SepaRaTed ‘as ‘a mech’an[is]m [2] ReDuce thE
HA-(-Y-)-AH hARMonICs. Quote;
"For clar(iT)y wE hAVE, through suCcesSive multiplication by 2, REDUCED the INCREASINGLY higher harmonics INTO the mAIN octAVE [dash] that is, between 1/2 and one" (p. 19).
MOCt HiGH pEOpLE, thIC woulD inFer tHAt
The OminG oF aThe aiMing War IS Not [4] US, ]IF[ wE chOZe.
This is spELling numerically by using numbers [2] offset what [is] oR What WAz Sound Log[ic], and Spiritual knowledge firsthand [us]ing secOnd wisdomS. [3]nD [four]Th pLacE
None found [n] Fa(iT)h, is [two] eVEr Las[10] traitZ.
INHE(r)JectON MOMent!
Ten [for].
Revelation 18
11 [For] in [one hOUR]”..
EYE zaYZ, K-noT OURZ, BuTTz ‘theirs’.
WiE (K)(9)
..”so great RicHeZ [is] cOme [two] nought”..
The MonEy, BuTTz the ROOTz, wITch [is] da’ c[a/us/ED]
And Every shipMaster, and aLL the company in ships,
..”and sailors”../Corporate BoardZ
..”and aS Many As TradE by sea”.. ,/ OTher CounTrIEZ
..”stood aFar oFf, And the MER[c]HaNTS of the earth SHALL Weep and Mourn oBher her; [for] noO man buyeth ‘their’ merchan[DicE] an[Y] MOor:”./ gONNA TAKE The GamBLE?
12 [For] in [one] hour so great riches [is] come to nought.
[for] the MonEy, Waz woodland THaT witch w[IT]ch CamE FrOm. FroM sa’ Woodz] tWo[ The [4]-US, AXEuELLy waZN’t foreSt aT aLL.
3nd Every ShipMaZt[h]er, and aLL THE COMPANYS in Ships”../CEO,Z,
..”and sailors”..,/Exec BoarDZ Members
..”and as Many as Trade b[Y] seA, STood aFaR off, The MER[c]HanD[is]E”../TAKE The GamBLE ]tWo[ STa[Y] [for] ‘they’ aLREaDy Know thE Prophes[Y]
..”of gold, and silver”../PowerS of The World MonEY RuLeS YaLL, oR(e) k,Not wITch ]two[ OucH[D)!
..”End precio[US] st[one]s, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet”..,/ Race, Orientation, ethnICiTieZ
EYE DuE E(Y)E dENt]IF[Y], aZ A mE(a)zURE [2] wAkE ]two[ uP,
and aLL th[Y]ine wood”..,/ReLigiOnZ
..”and aLL manner vessels of ivory”..,/sPiriTS
and aLL manner vessels of most precio[US] wood”..,/SoULZ cONcENtratiON oF AHAYAH’z Blood LiN(e)
“..and of brasZ, and iroN, and mArble”../3Nd ThE WorlD SHALL MarVEL aZ The RanK 3Nd FouL, cOmE iNTWo PraY
15 The MER[c]HaNTS of these things, wITch were made Rich by her, SHALL stand aFaR off [for] The Fear of her TormenT, Aeeping and Wailing,
16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great c[IT]y, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precioUS stones, and pearls!
WiE (g)Ot An AD(v)ANtAGE.
[for], E(Y)E[m] spA’ELiNg Em OUcH!
aT Much cOST.
And thus, I chooZe [2] chill be[4] [IT] getZ [2] cold, or not [2] hot [two] riZe as an old, LionZ fAtE or Not. ToothlesS [N] mouth elevatiONed ON, stateZ;
[2] [1] who (IC) but [is]n't. Yet [IS] hE or willZ hE? WITCH knifes hANDz. I say, 'Come and get [Y]our fATe,
beeZ dove, [2] [N]flate.
da’ deFlaTe
As A r(a)VEn soulZ soul is hungry [N] dieZ hAven TopZ.
"THEY" [two] that fakeZ, on the [1]. And spiritZ [6] rockZ Bee Son, with US [2] dA' lot, HE'LL [4] giVE "THEMz" not. Roll[n] Hot.
Mommy thIC IC ALiKINed [2] jazZ ON,
"Ronnie stop!"
The Laws, not only [4] [1], but [4][2]. Is [4] The ALL including red [Too] blue. As heAven callZ. [N] As voiceZ enter The wAter, the SoundZ reverberate through. [4] Ever Let's wAlk About BeeZ holding with straightaway Truth Talking about AHAYAH, whetHER (HE)R [2] c-OmeZ or nONE strumS aT ALL.
EyE SHALL pREACH [2] phOne yoU. As wHEN he/she walks and talks, as the Truth, said tRUTH is the majority won't Even lis[10] instEAD of one.
When he/she does not balks as "THEY" portray "THEY" not, and yet fell [two] follow through do "R" 3nD Hence, [N] "they" doeZ, who not do, recogniZe, as "THEY" do, that you shAll not riZe ON Through, Earth [2] Jup(iT)Her, as EndcloSing circles wHERe and now [2] c-Ome "R" a WillZ BeeZ.
Say, Hayah timeZ move! With the Knife hAND, Given Em' [2z], cutting the path [4] DividEyeZ-by-[3].
Now(Y)oUZ Ah dEAD S(e)NDHer.
Sold with Instructions aS [12]:
thIC IS mYLiF(e) iN DA’ SON(s)HiN(e)
QuestionZ [2] you AgAIN.
Why can't [1] "C" mE(¿) [2] AM I both not the lowest N-G-R floating under wAter with the Hayah decreE,
[2] the nth DegreE unqual]iFi[ed [4] Corporation entities [two] "C" (¿) Footnote; [N] mayBeeZ this is why heAven has [2] pLACE ele(v)ated mindZ OnthIC )m)EzZAgE,
[N] [3]rd EyeZ [2] "C". Disagree or color Vanilla we.
This suited horse is maMe [2] fellowZ?
Addia-Soul please latch on LadieZ, and [3] as barZ [N]cLine.
ElevaHERz, stimulaHerZ.
PourZ On [2] fire;
was Spirit as [2] WaterZ,
silver, Cool~.
Liquid vapor caught,Her, BlueZ, as gAZZ [N] Spirit. Or is [IT] you [two] fellowZ as they who smok [Too] many KoolZ,
waiting four the smoke [2] clear!
that new you?
AwaiTing someone else [two] comeZ pouring water through Spirit?
[2] Choose as [two] "they" do. The Worthy, ChooZe [two] do, Argo unworthy, not as [3] EyeZ say,
"Hey Jude.
Don't Bee Afraid",
[2] jumpZ eyeZ through iteration. C(4)circle throuGH
Soul, Soul, beeZ, "they" [two] do as foolZ. beeZ "THEY" Not as [2]. Or are we, "THEY"; Or are we you(¿)
Hey Jude of USAid.
[2] aid One self, is [3] on [3] best played between half or whole?
[N]-reality future [2] past on Wood beeZ are headed toward Stone courtZ?
As the [two] Rich Can't be [1], A Dove As Held rAven son [Too] of. Why your babies cAn "C" and not you [two]? Only your eyeZ Truly knowZ between the mindZ divided circle. That is [2] real, [N]-Reality, WON. Black. With [4] legZ ON bee low, aNd[2] aS held ridHerZ BEAr back of the lowest sON,
outfitted at the hillZ retinue viA K-NoT,[9]
Such as, such was and such willZ, he/she that live of [4]giving, [2] they arE, [2] We BeeZ, are "THEY" Truly of the civilized [3]?
As Allied and Universal USe [2] Bee, White. As [2] "A" "Bee" or you a "C" negative [2] degreE, Black, following the Yellow brick road, as the visible trackZ [2] "C"(¿). [4] if as "U" "A" beeZ soul the wrong driven, got away, given [two] the ill.
Time is near with talking [two] much, [n2],pitchers with balking [two] much;
[4] [IT] WillZ as someone elseZ hAND Shall [N] with SMACK! A.K.A.,
And due [two] pAIN!
doeZ [two] step back?
here's yOUR clue with path witch [two] traxkZ, "E" then "D".
"Every good gift and Every perfect gift IC frOM ABov(e), [ ]N[ ] cOMeth dOWN from The FATHER Of LIGHTS, WITCH WHO(m) IC v)a(ri)a(blEZ, ne(iT)HER sh(a)dow of Turning.
And yet, "they" led, giving [two] that need not, and [2] them that need he/she was giving not giving lot, if any at All. As the corrupTiOn is utopia ReVeALed yet. Receival yet,
WHAT, nothing at aLL, needZ "THEY" not. And yet, are "THEY" giving stILL, with flowing over potZ.
Point [N] spot, HOT. Insider Trading [two] leave you with not. OutsiderZ Waiting with hand positioned [N] statement, palms open prayerZ. As a empty pot.
Frightened [2] Scared [IS] the many. Look over There [is] The feW wITch PlenTy, l BeeZ Mot There. Whose WillZ, will We Go After?
"THEIRz" Way,
EyeZ don't careZ. I'm already SUCKed [N], as FlaT air.
But as [two] you, there is little time [2] chooZe "in his Dees".
UCKed! [n] commonsense. All intellect went.
Floated CloudZ over "they" "THEMz" scent, witch was in apPearance, hailed as unfunny.
The AK.A., Lawful, Sent.
And ]IF[ [IT] "they" [Too] wHO don't yet understand,
"THEY" [two] SHALL beeZ [Too]Z still theE End, end-products canned indeed. Blowing soul, witching man.
The witch beeZ Not the HA(Y)H fanZ.
Woman and or man. Owed through-D first came capitalZ "E"[N]. As none have the comprehension, based on commonsense [2] mention.
As [two] that "THEY" lOOking [n] mirTorZ fogGed over, is clogged over, mission "A" bout, over, as [3] opens [N]. The STaTe oF ThE iLLusiOn SET On aaelF DeLuSiOn
James 1:22-24
As "THEY" do honor what [is] only of their own mindZ' confugaration. As [two] always give "THEY"peace as a method riZen. Separate [2] by ConfUSion, mirror imAGE [n] led by few, as divided, buy timeZ [2]. "THEY" of many method wo[2]man USed. [one] beeZ "THEM" and [2] BeeZ through (Y)ou, "THEY" have power multiplied by [two].
And as a rehearsal prior [two], Dressed [n] a [three] peace suit ['two] boot. Forthcoming [n] ill strength one full hour "THEY" WillZ your wills l, Nor [two] lawsuit, are "THEY" ridden. As [IT] is witch "THEY" do [n][two] witch "THEY" beeZ.
In-[Deed] after what "THEY" say, as not being the Truth, acknowledged [n] your power is "THEIR" through in[two] you. And yet, knowing this, you still chooZe [two] lose. Even a pig dieS whistle [two] squeal, [n] soul [two] willZ you.
BLUE! Bleeding Red, wANTing dEAD. But Time shALL not herE [two].
Walking dEAD.
With Liberty, jUSt[n]ticements, Commonwealth with uncommon-Health as an ill advisement, Ten still ariZing. And as such standards, just for "THEM" [N] not [4] thUS, is with "THEM only the privileges. [two] beeZ standZ. As bee [one] ran, [n] an opposite course mAIN[t]AINed. That Planned! Carry out the infection.
USing hATE [two] divide [1s] affection. [N]side out. Outside [N] bee yONd the electionZ Truth.
NinE BilliOn minUS $19 BilliOn [is] Tin BilliOn RighT!
BeZ ALiVE [2] k*ROC!
dEAD JAH, Not sAY,
BEEz (b)ONE (2) RoC.
dead ALive I noT Tell yoU!
RighTY WannA NeVeR STop,
3ND E(Y)E (.a.M) nEVEr Quit. OrE (iS) tHAt
Whisk Wiper has changed
whisking (4)EVE(r).
cLEANnng A whISk i(IS) now easy,
and )iT) jUSt fEElz so(UL) sat(IS)F’(Y)iNH
Clean it fast
Save the recipe
Keep the kitchen clean
It’s a spatula [too]:
E(Y)E[m] tRipPinG,WOO~
“HoWL dUe yOU KnoWz ALL of The IC?
"But who[soul]Ever lOOketh [N][2] the perfect LAW of Liberty, and continieth tHere[N], hE BEing Not A [4]grateful nearer, but A Doer of THE WORK, The Man SHALL BEE bLESSED [N] hIS dEEdZ".
thUS EyE sacr]IF[ice [4] ]two[
James 1:25 =-iZ(e) HE(r)!
TraderZ, always lOOk, text and spELl me, [N] you Tweet. Caller caller, number [two], with [2] thumbZ press repeat.
Can you "C" R" [2] WON "A" gAIN?
Yes we cAn on Son "A"gAIN. As Ourselves backZ[2]GatHer, jUSt like Eve [2] Adam, gumZ everlasting. SoulZ take up fasting. ALL PEOPLEz "R"-[2] Win A" gAINst
Buttz [two] mANY one is [2],
lis[ten] m(Y)fAMiLEe (IS)!
[1] [2] fri3nd.
jUSt [1] Blasting. jUSt like mindZ,
[N] [WON]. [4] wHEN True Reality doeZ strike, Da' N-Reality of the Truth won't bear [2] witness. [4][two] c-Oming through fAst Stating, y'all mAIN[t]AIN that Course,
Rash. As Fa(iT)h returnZ [2] past.
E(Y)E LOVE (2) sON (sHiNe).
OUR c-OMinG (8)Z iNTrODuctiON
As the hidden clueZ pour through Black [N] White "R" The Old [1][2]. "Zion [2] the Action", We mUSt cALL on the refraction. Like the direction of a propagating wave (light and or sound) carries through,
New WAaave~ [N] UniSon, [reAction], sAved.
Zion'Z SonZ [N] DaugHerZ. Waves.
Frequency High, HERfecTed BaBeZ bIN [2] Life. And [2] [WON] the Standard We mUSt, stand as Un(iT)y BlendT [2] sacrafice! As the fork [n] the road wENT, [2] forge senT, aGAINZt US OUR fAMiLY.
“THEMz” [a]LL HAVE beEn Monolithically mint. Black [N] White candy twisted [N] "A" message brought out [N] the [2] know.
rAINing HurricaneZ, Blizzard. And jET White snow, riSe [N] (e)AVEz. Be[4] the HO, KA, HEY.
LeVeLZ [fiVE]
Message said, "JAH. Zion [2] the Action We mUSt call. HebrewZ [1], HebrewZ [2], [3]heE HebrewZ. All HebrewZ, WON through [Twelve]. SHE [N] ALL.
Notice BEEz:
Bee [4] The call SHALL cOMe ones fall as [two]. And bee[4] realiZations openZ at [3] past very few. WillZ SHALL eclipse on[2]~ on[2]~
The Ahayah paths, [1s] youZ, [2] existence as waves of frequency BeeZ, by the unseen, c-Oming the low scene [two] the High RingZ "E". lATE beingZ [4] seeing summing [8], and of TimeZ Awa(iT).
[12] as And [1]. Circled WON. By women [6].
As [N] [2] focUS out instEAD of focUSing [N] [4]bearanced [3] now instEAD of then, won't win.
Then, What Will willZ We Go After when the future does [N] Past as the per[sua]sion TalkZ, not as rash of the inev(iT)able, Returning Sentence?
Positioned as such, what [1] could tell you, but eyeZ SHALL not. As even with advantage, [two] reason why, [two] it would mean that EyeZ thoZe [twoZ] wood still stone me until dEAD. NUT eyeZ Alive past as dEAD may fail "C" [3] The Light [N] you [2] me. WedDing [N] "A" 3treE.
Bring [N] the SheAves
2. It is not expedient for me doubtless [2] glory. I will come [2] visions and rEVEL(a)tiONs of the HA(Y)AH.
4. How that he was caught up [N]to paradise, and heard unspeakable words, WITCH )iT) (IC) not lawful [4] a man ]2] utter(a)NCE
5. Of such A ONE Will I (g)Lory: yET of myself I will NOT glory, but [N] mine infirmiTies.
[4] though I would desire [2] glory, I Shall Not BeE a Fool; [4] I will say the truth: but now I [4]bear, lest any man should think of me Above that Witch he seeth me [2] BEE, or that he heareth of me.
[7] comeZ after the [6] and [6] SHALL c-OmeZ BeeZ [4] mE.
And lest I should BEe e(X)ALted ABov(e) mE(a)zURE through the abundanNCE of the rEVEL(a)tiONs, there was given [two] me "a" thorn [n] The Flesh, the meSsenGer of SaTan [two] bufFet me, leZt I should BEe e(X)ALted ABov(e) mE(a)zURE
"L(¿)(¿)King Glass. Without Mirrors. Set TherE, [N] steEr heR", said WISDOM
For thIC tHing I BEesought the Ahayah thRice, that [it] might depART frOM mE.
And he said unto me, MY Grac(e) IC suffICient [4] theE: [4] MY strenENgth IS made perfect iN weaknesS. MOCt gLADl(Y) tHEre[2] Will I rather glory [N] my infirmities, that the POWER of ChrICt may rest upOn mE.
[8] BEEz.
2 Corinthians 12: 2,4,6,7,8 and 9
Return sentence, question and marked.
Why can't the Love [2] WITCH IS exIS(tent)/tEEpeEE ..”persISt materially as SHE has iNm(a)teriALLy on earth as SHE IC iN hE(a)VEN, BEEz? Does not, Love As A vernaLAcular permEAt(e) ALL languages?
SHE as [Too] HoneyZ "R" All sweEt, ALL colors and ALL people as well as other life forms on earth vibrate [2] beatZ? Isn't Love [N[ and of (iT) HErself BotH E(x)pEriEncEd on EtHEReaL and phySIcal LeVeLZ simulTaneo[us]ly, Bodies, Minds [N] SpiritZ? Especially ]if[ driven under the circumference of one character, WITCH is Spirit AhAyAh BeeZ.
And the TrUe answer can only beeZ that another was inJected beTwEen Her TreEz. Full of HaTe [N] enVy of HEr AriZeN SisltHerZ SHE. That wood [two] stone bee as SHe IC th(e) Moon ABove Bee prophesied HEr [2]Nd chaNCE [2] BeeZ.
EyeZ see a snake abovE hanging [n] the sheAVEs. With fork tongue [n] mouth. Waving aLL about screaming,
"HANG HErZ [n] the sheAVEs!"
But [two] witch EyeZ stand as [1] [2] say, as "A" LiON on soLid groundZ, EyeZ fly AhAyAh ABove aZ [3]. HE, SHE [N] HE, gAaLActIC(a)LLy as [2] "C" WITCH EyeZ BEE "A" pART of. [2] say,
SaTan is Lying [n] trying [two] keep your minds coiled as [two] out of existence [N] off Star TrackZ. With, pretence and fear as a liar is attached to your Right ears [two] hearZ, and he is a content trier, [two] groove you sin caked over [n] "TheZe are the trendZ".
What Will, willZ We Go After when the future does [N] Past as the per[sua]siOn TalkZ, not as rash? Is [IT] ‘they’, when [IT] is [OneS] whose willZ [two] know is not [2] know is [1s] Fate, lost soulZ. As dEAD willZ could not listen [1] as dEAD-ALive dead JusT dEADN’t.
But AhAyAh commEndETh HIS LOVE toward US, [N] that, while We were [Y]et sinners, ChrICt died [for] US.
Romans 5:8 KJV = 13
And ]if[ (iT) BEE Not soUL Now, wHO Will make mE a L[Y]her and make m(Y) speech nothing worth?
Job 24:25 KJV = [Thirteen](¿)
Mount dOWN lAunched on Zion.
Everybody Loves The Sunshine (Roy Ayers Cover) by HATCH on #SoundCloud