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Slum Village

Writer's picture: Dr. Jeffrey A Holland/WOTDr. Jeffrey A Holland/WOT

rEVELAtioN(z) twElVE (WON) thrU: ((g))ETtiNg rEADy →( two)← glU(e) [[7]]: 0:03 to 0:05 No money, no food,  .[[2]]: 0:06 to 0:0[7] EyE NO (r)OBB. .[[4]]: poiN[tin] aT she Left: 0:09 to 0:10.5 What ABOut yoU! (!): 0:11.5 to 0:12.5 fANKHing i(d)iot ]two[. [[7]]: 0:13.5 to 0:14.5 Slum village! 0:15.5 HER(e)! 0:16.5 to 0:17.5 tAKE A w]if]t of thIC. 0:18 ~ISh! .[[2]]: 0;19 to 0:21 sucK,iNeNd,(2)hOLD, {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→}; (gueZt WHo; 0:21.75 P.O.W!!!!!!!! .[[4]]. 0:23 to 0:24.5 (v)ictoRy, aRe rEADy [t]oW'D [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duaL]IT(Y) spEAK: 0:25 to 0:26.5 (l)IS[10], [2] Slum [V]iLLagE. »): 0:27.5 to 0:28.5 ]N[ fALL,iN,LOV(e). (7). [[7]]: 0:30 to  0:32 MAtthEw, Eye[M] pAuL, 0:33 to 0:34.5 aZ eyEZ oNCE tOLD tRUTH. 0:35.5 to 0:38.5 MAtthEw [[7]]:[27] (2), [29] («♡»): 0:39. 0:40 GOLD-[N] timE, 0:40.5 to 0:42 ChiN,Dill-A,Day, Tribu[t]e (!): 0:43.85 to 044.15 fEA[t]HurE-]n[ (11) cOMz [[7]], 0:45 to 0:46 AtZ baCKwARdz: [[7]]: 0:47.5 to 0:49 And thE rA(I)N descENDed,  0:49.5 to 0:50.5 aNd the floodZ cAM(e),  [[2]]: 0:51.5 to 0:52.5 aNd tHE WiNdz BlEw 0:53.25 to 0:54.60 a[N]d bEAt upON That hoUSe;  0:55 to 0:56 a]n[d [IT] F]EL[L (↓[4]↓): RedBlU(e)bLacKbLuE ReD: 0:57 to 0:59 a[n]d greaT, waZ the f[a]LL of ([IT]). (!): 1:00 to 1:02 "..And ([IT]), Came ]two[ pazZ,.."  (↓[4]↓): 1:03 to 1:04 'aH' biG bLaCK HOLe: ((for)): biG bLaCK HOLe: 1:06 to 1:08 THe dezTROYherR, What 'aH', paz[T]! 1:09 to 1:11 "..wHEN ZH(e)zUZ, hAd E[n]deEd theZe Sayingz,  1:11.75 1:12.25 KizZ m(Y)AZz («$»): KizZm(Y)AZz: 1:14 to 1:15 "..the people were As[t]onIShed at hIS do(c)triN(e): 1:16 to 1:19 [[4]] h(E) tAught thEm Az ONE hEAVEN Au[t]hoRi[t](e),.." («♡»): 1:20 to 1:21.5 "..And Knot aZ the sc[r]i-beeZ.." ________________________ OVNHErLAy: 1:23 («$»):  1:23 to 1:23.5 HuN!  1:24 to 1:25.5 h(iT) him in da' spoUSe 1:28.5 to 1:29 YAWL! 1:31 to,1:32 PoP [IT]Out. ________________________ [«♡  »]¡!¡[«♡  »]:/ 1:22.5 to 1:24 dO-(c)-triN,(e)eeee(e) 1:25 to 1:26 HoLLo-At-hEReM[a]ni(E)Z (!): 1:27 bAr[b]eeZ-cUed,  [[7]]: 1:28.5 to 1:29 EyE preFer MOCt dRy LoveZ. ________________________ OVNHErLAy: 1:28.5 («$»):  1:28.5 to 1:29 YAWL! 1:31 to,1:32 PoP [IT]Out. ________________________ 1:30 to 1:32.5 (w)EDdEaD thINKiNof »): 1:34 to 1:35 MAzHerZ (p)LEAd. [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duaL]IT(Y) spEAK: 1:36 HA! HAY! »): 1:37 to 1:38.5 JAH (F)ANKHing (OM'DA' (WON) (!~): 1:39.5 to 1:40 yOuR,HaYaH,sON, [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duaL]IT(Y) spEAK: 1:41 Hot! B,unNZ,  1:42 ↑←↑ (H)ONi(e)-Z, 1:43 to 1:44 EyE go[t]Z yOUR GuN 1:45 to 1:47 E[N]d SH(E)-'A', HAYAH-(WON)! .[[2]]: 1:48 BOP! 1:49 to 1:50.5 EyE BEeZ A SiLV(h)ERr, (!): 1:51 to 1:52 (WON)-ROC*K! .[[4]]: 1:53 to 1:54 GuN, HE(i)R IC Oft-(g)OLD. 1:55 to  1:56 [t]EA-fULL-Of[t],  [[7]]: 1:57  to 1:58.5 BOLD, (c)OMing -At! .[[2]]: (2):00 to 2:02 ThE(Y) N(i)Nth wAVE'D, A(n)D,(two)!! [7]: 2:03 to 2:03.5 LOOK LOOK!  2:04 EVEz  2:04.5 to 2:05.5 RANHKHing AwAy {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→}; 2:06 to 2:07 "SHOOK, SHOOK!" (!): 2:08 to 2:09.5 ZH(e)zUZ (C)AZtEN AwAy, 2:10.5  to 2:11.5 ALLofHErSiN(z) {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→};A.K.A.(2)nD,EVE: 2:13 to 2:14 OLiV(e)-OiL-[t]wISt! 2:15 (B)OP! HuN! ←←←✩→→→  ———————— [«★ »]¡!¡[«★ »]:/ ************* 2:16 (2)ND W(IT)CH, 2:16.65 to 2:17 HO!KAY!HAY! 2:18 to 2:21 Mc DoNA)0ldZ, (h)AVE ([IT]) MY (w)AY! 2:21.5 to 2:22 =(6): Know youR wAy, («♡»): 2:24 to 2:25 Slum VillAgE, 2:25.5 2:26 fAll iN LOV(E); 2:28 to 2:29 Ah,N,Oh,Eh. [[7]].[[2]].[[4]]: duaL]IT(Y) spEAK: 2:30.5 to 2:31.5 GolDEN LiNe  2:32 to 2:33 EV(e)RydAy,fAy. ________________________ (~¡~): MichA'EL WiND Out US(e) COmMenTatHErZ  voICE: _______________________ (~¡~):  2:34 to 2:35 dead [2] sEE DA'!!!!!!!! 2:35.5  to 2:37 EVA'Z (b)RoKIN -↓[N]↓  (=(): EVE]WON[: KizZ m(Y)AZz (~¡~):  WHO?-D(. ¿ .)WHO?  2:37.5   /↓ / 2:38. [t]HE'O←→OpE]N[ (!√): 2:39 SHE(z) Ah [t]rA'EL(it)y 2:40 to 2:41 PropHezY  s(MO)KIN 2:42 to 2:43 EYE AiN']t[ joKiN. (~¡~) 2:44 to 2:45 (o)NCE EVE[N], [b]aaL! CoulD'T HOLD HE(r) doW[_]↑ [«♡  »]¡!¡[«♡  »]:/ 2:46 Out-(iT)! 2:47 to 2:48.5 thIC sAiN'[t] NO-shE-(10) (~¡~) 2:49.5 to 2:51 EVE haZEnd OpEn LANE!!!!!!! [«♡  »]¡!¡[«♡  »]:/ 2:52 to 2:53 LETHE(r) iN. 2:54 to 2:55 Sh(e)z (v)ARC(iT)y 2:56 A.R.(C) 2:57 to 2:57.75 GolDEN (C)hiLD 2:58 to 2:59 SA' DyN(A)miC. 3:00 to 3:01 (s)pOUt, yOUR~rOUt(e) 3:02 to 3:04 = Black e]N[d YElLow,  Watch ALL-Out   {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→}; 3:05 to 3:07 SpACEd, EYEM-tHE-MO[t]HER- [T]R7CKING, BE(Z)t, 3:08 to 3:09 (C)ALLiN LiN-Out. (~¡~): 3:10 to 3:10.75 TimeD,  3:12.5 to 3:13.5 MOttO s(c)ootHErZ,fAzt! 3:14.5 to 3:16 EYEM-OF-THE-AHAYAH-NE(z)T 3:17 to 3:18.5 [7], EVE sEVE[n]-ezZt. (~¡~): 3:19.5 DA[t]E; [[7]]: 3:20.5 to 3:21.5 SEp[t]iM¡BHEr!  3:22.5 to 3:23.5 twenty thiRD. 3:25 to 3:26.5 twenty! sEVE-[N] tEEn. 3:27.5 to 3:28.5 End! SA'L(iT)tA'EL,(WON), 3:29 to 3:30.5 SHE,GiN spA'ELiNg-[IT],scEn(e). {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→}; 3:31.5 to 3:32.25 HA!  YAH! 3:33.75 (F)iRE!! !√¦}:   /\ 3:34.75 to 3:35.65 ThUUMroOM!»»»»»>>>)))))))) {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→}; 3:37 to 3:38 (GOLD),(2)sET.  3:39 to 3:40 SA'boOM!!!!!!!! (~¡~):  3:41  (H)eAVEN yeAH! 3:42 to 3:43.5 wENt HE(r) L(iT)tLE (H)AnDZ   )( ((!√)): 3:44 to 3:44.75 /\→KA - BOOM. 3:35 to 3:37 thatZ wHAt JAH scEn(e) (~¡~): 3:38 to 3:40 END saTaN, fled from SA'(r)oOM. .[[2]]: 3:41 to 3:42 He witch is, .[[4]]: [tiN], (11). TwentyON(e): 3:43 to 3:44  SHE witch AiN'[t] _______________________ 3:45 to 3:47 SaTanz' hand overR mouTh, E]n[D yeT All hEARd.  3:47.5 to 3:49 Az [IT] deadn'T Lip moVe;  3:49.5 to 3:50.5 unsCeNe [IT]z worDZ,  3:51 to 3:52 yE[t] poureD OuT: _______________________ [§]: think ouT E.S.P: 3:53 gANKH'(D)! 3:54 EVE-IC-Out (~¡~): 3:55 to 3:56 HELL (is) ↓§hank↓ (!): 3:57 to 3:58.5 wHENt SA' (m)EzZA(g)E (2) DA' GOLDEn dAUgHtERz. (!√) 3:59.5 SHOU(T)!!!!!! {←:@↓✩®↑✩©↓:→}; 4:02  to 4:03 AhAyAh CRANKh-(N) (~¡~): 4:04... hELp yU Out

Listen to Slum Village - Fall In Love (Paul Chin Dilla Day Tribute) ft. Matthew Im by Paul Chin #np on #SoundCloud

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Slum Village ext.

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